Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Angelfrost's P.O.V:

I turn over on my berth still trying to get a couple of extra moments of recharge. But as always my internal clock is telling me time to get up and start the day. I really hate mornings.

Ugh. I get up and observe my room. It has blue and purple walls. My lamp on my desk glows a soft white. My desk has data pads scattered everywhere. Some were reports I was supposed to read and answer back, but to be quite honest they're a little late. Heh heh...

I pick up one of them and examine it. Huh I was supposed to turn this in yesterday. I put it back down and go out into the Med-Bay. I see Vehicons on medical berths. Knockout hasn't gotten up yet. I turn to see one of them calling my name. I walk over. "Can I have an energon cube," he asks. I nod and go get him one. I bring it to him and he replies, "Thank You."  I answer back, "your welcome."

Then I hear Knocks come out yawning and stretching. I giggle and reply, "You recharge well Knockout?"

"Yeah what about you?" he says while coming closer to me. "Mmmm... It was great, I just hate getting up in the mornings." He smiles at me and goes to get a energon cube. "Do you want one?" "Sure."

He brings me one. he starts drinking it I drink mine. Then Soundwave comes in playing a recording the megatron said, "Get knockout and Angelfrost I need to speak to them on the bridge."

I mentally groan I am in so much trouble. Knockout nods and Soundwave turns walking out.

"What did we do to make Megatron want to talk to us?" "I don't know maybe he knows that we went out without his permission. It could be anything."

General Narration:

Angel and Knocks walk to the bridge. it's empty except with a fairly aggravated Megatron. Angel goes in first Knocks following suit. Angel bowed her head a little. Megatron gets up and walks to both of them. They back up a little.

"I know what you two did the other night." They both shudder. "You two knew to get permission to go out and you both Decide to go against orders!!" By this time Megatron was in their faceplates. Angel took her chance. "It was my fault lord Megatron I am to blame I needed a break from this warship. It was a mistake."

Megatron then looked at them both truly astonished that she would take the blame. But something was different about these two. He brushed it off and looked them both in the optics. He was not one for letting things slide on his warship. "Don't make me regret letting you two go." Megatron turned and dismissed them.

Angel grabbed Knockout's servo and led him out of the bridge. It was amazing how those two got out of trouble at every turn. "Knockout I think we should stay in the warship for a couple of more days. lord megatron was beyond angry." "I agree."

they both return and accidently bump into Breakdown who was heading into the training room. then knockout questioned him, "how did lord Megatron find out what we did 2 nights ago Breakdown?" "Maybe Soundwave found out, but I didn't tell him where you two went."

Angel knew he wouldn't of told. Knockout knew that too, but he just wanted to ask. "Ok i'm sorry Breaks." "Its ok." Angel and knocks continued down the hallway back into the med-bay. The vehicons had all been given the ok to leave.

Knockout began cleaning his tools. He sometimes got bored of this routine. Angel was sitting on a counter that Knockout was working at reading a data pad. Every few seconds she would move her servo.

When she was done she set it aside and looked over at Knockout who was probably about to send in his report. Angel jumped down and stretched. Transforming into her Panther form she walks over to a nearby berth and jumps onto it. She settles in for a little recharge.

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