Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Angelfrost's P.O.V:

One thing I knew for certain I had something to do with that human girl. I always see her.. I don't know if that's creepy or something, but I always see her. It has been a week since I had been released from the brig and to be quite honest I'm happy to be out of there.

Megatron is going to be having Dreadwing and Breakdown kill Airachnid on a 'supposed mission.' In all honesty I just hope they both come back alive... and I really hate that Spider femme. So, what am I doing at this moment. Sitting and doing nothing. I hate not doing anything, but Knockout says I have to get my Strength back.

Vehicons come and go in the Med-bay. Knockout comes up with an energon.. "Hey, how are you doing today Angel?" "I feel Fine Knockout thank you for asking." He hands me the energon and  I take it gently and drink it. "Well it seems your doing ok, you can be taken off of berth rest by tonight." he replies.

Yes, Thank you. I was beaming with happiness that i was going to get off of berth rest. Knockout gently kissed my helm. I purred softly. He chuckled when i purred softly.

****Later that Night****

I got off of berth rest, but when Dreadwing came back in without Breakdown I feared the worst. "Breakdown didnt return with you?" asked Knockout. Dreadwing looked over at him and placed a servo on his shoulder. "Breakdown, was killed by Airachnid I'm sorry Knockout." Knockout looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Knockout was silent. Dreadwing continued, "When I got uncut from the tree I followed the energon trail and there was nothing left, everything was gone." Breakdown, no he can't be gone. "What do you mean there was nothing left?!?!"

Dreadwing was Silent again. "Nothing was there...Airachnid was gone." Knockout turned away from Dreadwing. Dreadwing left. It was just me and knockout. "knockout...." He didnt answer me. "Knockout...I...I'm sorry about Breakdown he was a good friend." he still was silent. I go over to hug him. He holds his servo up. "I'll be fine...I'm just...just going to go into my berthroom." He left and went into his berthroom.

I hung my helm down low. Breakdown...he will be missed. I walk to my berthroom and settle in for recharge.


I hear crying from the other room. I get up and walk out. I hear it coming from Knockout's room. I knock. No answer. "K-Knockout?" I try to open the door, but its locked. I sigh. I am not going to just leave him. Nope. I then hack his lock.

I enter and see knockout still crying. I gently come over and give him a hug. "It's ok...It's ok..." I try to sooth and comfort him. He leans into me. I pat and rub his back. He starts to calm down and mumbles something. I turn my audio receptors up and hear him say..."Airachnid will pay for killing him."

I look at him and reply, "Revenge isn't the answer. It wont bring Breakdown back." He then replies, "It still hurts..." "i know...I know..."

***Time Skip: The Morning.****

I wake up and look around I'm in Knockout's room. I look over at Knockout and see he's deep in recharge. I smile at him and get up. I go into the main room and begin cleaning tools and putting things back where they go.

I hear a yawn behind me. I smile. That would be knockout. He's finally up. I turn to him. "Recharge well?" "Yeah... and you?" I grin. " Mmmhmm...i recharged well." I feel arms wrap around my waist. I smile and turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles at me.

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