Chapter 1

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Before the accident

Unknown P.O.V

All I ever wanted was to be normal. You know going to parties, being a teenager, and getting into trouble, but not too much trouble. All of that changed when I stumbled upon something I shouldn't have. Something that I wasn't supposed to see, but as most people say curiosity killed the cat.

I was already too far in and well I heard someone talking about some project. I sneaked farther in and saw the most weirdest thing ever; a gigantic robot, but it wasn't moving it was just lying there motionless almost like it was dead to the world. Then I heard someone say something, " We'll have to go into town to get a test subject." " Very well send someone out now." With that I accidentally bumped into something knocking it on the floor. ' Aw man', I thought to myself.

" Hold it... it seems we have the perfect candidate right here." As all eyes looked at me I quickly got up and ran for my life; I didn't want to be their test subject, I am fine the way I am. " Quickly, get her and bring her here!!!" I heard the pounding of boots storm off in the direction I ran. I have got to get outta here now.

" There she is quickly shoot the dart!!" I heard someone yell. This is it I thought. I going to be used as some lab rat. I'll be a freak. The dart hit the back of my neck as I collapsed on the floor. I could still see, so the affects hadn't taken over fully so I guess we're good there right? They brought me to the hall I was just in I looked up the guy who had just basically captured me and is using me as a lab rat.

" Well... well...well... look at what we have here boys the perfect candidate for the project. Erase her memory make sure she wont remember anything about now or her past and most certainly herself," he finished with a menacing laugh. They quickly hooked me up to a machine and set me beside the gigantic robot. With that everything went dark I had completely lost who I was and every chance of being normal went down the drain. Great.

General Narration: 2 weeks later

Systems: On

Energon Level: 70%

Damage: 0%

Memory Loss: 90%

" Sir the 'patient' is stable." " Good... now let's get her to wake up." They were about to wake up the girl when they heard crashing coming from outside. The man stands up and shouts," Everyone Evacuate , leave that blasted Cybertronian it will just be dead weight!" They all fled leaving the girl now turned into cybertronian on the metal slab strapped down.

An hour later

The femme finally opened her optics. All she could see was darkness everywhere. There was no light. The femme began to panic she struggled and tried to tear at her restraints, but nothing all she was doing was harming herself. Feeling helpless she silently cried. Then in the shadows she saw a set of ruby red optics.

She struggles more trying to free herself so she can run and not stop running. then she screams, " I don't know what you are, but stay away from me!!!!!" She had felt servos rest on her shoulder trying to calm her. She had calmed down a little once she found out that the thing wouldn't harm her. the servos of the thing reached down to her pedes and unlatched them it then moved down to her very own servos.

Whoever it was... it was helping her. " its ok all i'm going to do now is pick you up and take you to get medical assistance. I will not harm you nor will I let anyone else for that matter," a calm smooth voice spoke. she finally had to speak, " Th... Thank you." was all she said. She felt him picking her up bridal style, he then whispered, " Your Welcome." the femme carefully put her arms around her rescuers neck.

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