Chapter 17:

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Chapter 17:

this chapter is dedicated to TFRedFemme. hope you like it. :)

Knockout and NightRacer had gone out into the night. "Alright first you need a vehicle mode, it has to"

Racer then replied, "Flashy?"  knockout then nodded then blinked shaking his helm, "No...that's not what I what  I meant-"

"Too bad cause I just found my vehicle mode." He grinned as he scanned it while transforming into it, it was a 2015 King Cobra Mustang it matched his color scheme which was a Deep crimson red and then black stripes going through. 

Knockout blinked when he saw the flashy vehicle mode then smiled, "You know you're a lot like me." Racer Laughed, "Well I have to look my best if we're going to go racing. no?"

He laughed and nodded, "Alright just don't tell your mother that you have a better vehicle than her. WE won't hear the end of it." They both laughed, "Will do daddy-O." He then revved his engines, "I bet i'm faster than you now." He challenged. 

Knockout transformed, "I'd like to say that I am faster than anybot or anycon, but lets see If I'm proved wrong." 

They both shot off into the night each of them were neck-in-neck as they sped toward a starting line for a night race. They then slowed down and entered the race turning on their holoforms so that no one would suspect them. 

"May the faster one win." Racer teased. 

Knockout looked at him, "You're getting cocky."

"Am not." 

"Are too and you know it." 

"I bet mom would say you were cocky like that too." 

He then shut up, "well played." 


The flag then dropped to the ground as the racers revved their engines zooming off into the dark. Knockout and NightRacer easily got ahead of the few cars that were there.They passed and got ahead of many of them as they put on their nitro. 

However, there was one car at the beginning who went faster than ever. NightRacer took the oppertunity to get ahead of his father as he moved faster and did a little racing dance finally getting ahead of him as he rushed through the finish line. 

Racer skidded to a stop and got out of his alt-mode. Walking out into the crowd he smiled boadly, "Nice racing."

One of the drivers got out, it was Vince, "Hey little punk! You scratched my car!" Racer frowned and inspected it, "You know a little bit of buffing will get this out and it wasn't that bad. Its nothing compared to what you did to mine." He smiled cheekly. 

Vince Growled and walked over grabbing Racer by his shirt collar, "How about you buff my entire car and I'll let you go clean! Huh?!" 

Knockout had just come to the finish line and growled when he saw his son being bullied by insupirior lackies. 

"Hey WATCH IT!" Racer shouted as he kicked Vince where the sun don't shine, "I didn't damage your car and I'm not going to take your smart-mouthing. now if you don't get in your car and leave i'll find a crowbar and then you'll have something to blame me for now won't you." 

"You wouldn't dare you little-"

Knockout then stepped in, he was taller and he had dark brown hair with red highlights and tips he wore a bright red shirt with black trim and his pants were black as well as his shoes, he then acted like Racer's brother, "I say you and your little team or crew over there high-tail it outta here. IF you don't I have a crow-bar and i'm not afraid to use it." 

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