Chapter 60: Emma; The Psychiatrist

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Christina watched as the unfamiliar woman took a seat across from her in the chair she had been given, the brunette tilted her head to the side but she said nothing.

"Not much of a talker, are you" she asked holding her clipboard close to her. Christina smiled for a moment amused by the woman's actions.

"Why don't we get to know each other, maybe you'll feel more comfortable around me" she explained. Christina giggled softly,

"Is there something you find funny" the woman across from her asked.

"Why are you being so nice to me, don't you know who I am?" She asked swinging her legs back and fourth off the edge of the bed.

"I'm well aware of who you are, you're face is all over the news after all. That's quite an impressive feat for someone your age" the orange haired woman complimented.

"you're weird" Christina said to herself.

"Anyway, you can call me Emma" the woman introduced herself,

"why don't you tell me something about yourself" she suggested.

"Why should I" Christina asked, Emma sighed to herself. She looked down at her clipboard,

"i hope you don't mind me bringing this up, but why don't you tell me about your parents" she said. Christina froze,

"i don't like talking about them" she said frowning.

"is it because they hurt you" Emma asked. The brunette's breath hitched in her throat,

"shut up" Christina seethed.

"that's rude"

"i said shut up"

"you need to talk to me, you can't keep your problems bottled up" Emma said sternly.

"shut the fuck up!!" Christina screamed, she took her pillow throwing it at the woman.

The guards ran in seeing Emma standing there calmly, one of them grabbed the brunette by the arm harshly.

"I'll kill you" the girl yelled, she struggled in the guard's grip.

"Let her go" Emma instructed, the guard next to her looked at her confused.

"Just do it" she said, the guard did as he was told as he released Christina's arm. She made no movement as she stood there breathing heavily,

"are you going to calm down" Emma asked her. That's when she noticed that she was crying, Emma frowned.

"We should go" she looked at the males,

"she won't talk right now" Emma finished. The door was closed as Christina fell to the bed feeling emotionally exhausted. She pulled at the cuffs hoping they would break. They of course didn't.

"Papa, I hate it here" she cried to herself.

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