Chapter 99: One's Justice

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As soon as the building began to shake, Twice was gone, running out of the room as he muttered under his breath. Christina quickly stood up, exiting the room as well, not saying a word to her others. The girl could feel her heart start to race as she rushed through the hallways, avoiding the debris that came crashing down nearby. However, for only a short second, the brunette lost focus, causing her arm to fall victim to a chunk of concrete. She winced, stumbling to her knees, blood began to drip from the wound as she grabbed her arm, wincing in pain. 

"Damn it" she muttered, gritting her teeth in frustration. 

"Hawks probably ratted us out, I told Shigaraki we shouldn't have trusted him. That damn hero is gonna pay, I swear I'll kill him myself." The teen said to herself as she got back to her feet, healing the scratch on her arm. That's when she spotted Dabi, who looked as calm as ever. Part of her was relieved to see him, she knew he didn't trust Hawks either. 

"Dabi!" She called after the male, who turned his head to look at her as she stopped in front of him, breathing heavily. 

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, an indifferent look on his face. 

"It's Twice, he ran off. He probably went to find Hawks" she stated, actually becoming worried for the man's safety, she had grown to see him as family. Dabi let out a small "tch", he was clearly upset. 

"Come on then, let's go find this bastard," he told her. Christina nodded and the two of them ran down the hallway until something caught the girl's attention. 

"Wait" she spoke, hearing faint voices in the distance, the teen looked around until her eyes landed on a large set of double doors. She did her best to push her open, but her strength was not enough. 

"Move," Dabit told her, and she stepped back. As she did so, the black-haired male outstretched his hand, shooting a wave of blue fire toward the door. The heat and force of the attack blew the door inwards on itself and Christina immediately jumped into action. She flung herself into the air, kicking Hawks in the back. He was knocked through the air, before landing on the ground, the light of Dabi's flames illuminating the dimly lit room. A twisted smirk appeared on the girl's face as she brought her foot down on Hawks' face, breaking his goggles in two. She sneered down at him, hatred filling her eyes. 

"I knew you were no good, hero," she said, venom filling her voice. She pressed her foot more against the hero, causing him to wince in pain. 

"Dabi" she looked back at the villain, who was looking down at a bloody twice. The sight made Christina's chest hurt, he didn't deserve this. 

"I'll get twice out of here, you handle him" she stated, kicking Hawks in the ribs for good measure. Then, without another word, she ran towards the injured Twice, using all of her strength to throw his arm over her shoulder. Some of his blood began to stain her clothes but she didn't focus on that, she had to get him to get out of there. Behind them, more blue fire lit up the area. Christina quickly led twice to the exit but was suddenly stopped when Hawks reappeared. The girl's eyes went wide when she saw the hero, who, despite being worse for wear, was still fighting. He looked down at the two villains, an intense, maybe even insane look in his golden eyes. It was nothing the girl had seen from him before. And for a moment, Christina was terrified. 

"Shit," she said as he raced towards them in the air, a sharp feather in hand. Knowing she didn't have much time, the girl quickly ducked down, pulling twice with her. Just as she did that, the blue fire was shot toward the hero, distracting him from the other two villains for a moment. This gave Christina and twice enough time to make it out of the room and onto the balcony overlooking the main area of the building. 

"Twice," she said, a softness in her voice that not many people heard. A frown tugged at her lips, his injuries were bad, but nothing fatal so far. 

"Christina," the man said, the two looked at each other, before looking at the chaos that was ensuing behind them. Things had really turned into a shit show. Before they could say anything else, Hawks reappeared, still holding one of his feathers. As soon as he got close enough, he swung it toward the two villains. Christina's eyes went wide as she felt a searing pain in her side. Twice's chest was slashed open, causing blood to spray from the wound. With the last of his strength, Twice pushed her back and over the balcony. Christina's injured body began to fall towards the ground as she stared up at the injured villain, tears welling up in his eyes. Twice fell limp, blood still pouring from his wound. 

"It's not fair. All twice wanted, all I wanted. All we wanted was a family. Somewhere to belong."  The girl thought to herself, 

"those damn heroes, they're nothing but corrupt soldiers!" Suddenly, Christina's body landed in someone's arms, she was still alive. Still bleeding, the girl looked up at who had caught her, it was Mr. Compress. A small, yet sorrowful smile appeared on her face, she was safe, though Twice wasn't as lucky. She looked over at Toga, who, for once, was left speechless. She gathered some of her strength and got out of Mr. Compresse's arms, she made her way over to Toga, wrapping an arm around her in a hug. The blonde girl hugged back before the trio made their way to somewhere that would hopefully be safe. 

"I'm sorry Twice, you deserved so much better." 

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