Chapter 41: Exams

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Christina watched the screeno with intrest in her eyes. The two students teamed up were Ojiro and Iida, both boys were certainly good students. Iida was smart and strong as well. She was certain he had learned his lesson after the run in with Stain. The brunette didn't know much about Ojiro but he seemed like a strong person.

"So, Momo and Shoto are going against Aizawa" Christina said as she watched the two students on screen. The black haired girl had a nervous look on her face, she had been acting a little less than confident since she lost to Tokoyami at the sports festival, meanwhile Shoto seemed as calm as ever. The two of them were running through the city when they were attacked by Aizawa. It was Shoto who took action while Momo took the chance to run.

However the teacher had more skill than Christina had given him credit for. She looked at the screen with intrest on her face,

"This should he intresting" she mumbled. Momo was soon cornered by the teacher,

"It seems like Momo isn't very confident in herself, that could hold her back" Christina said. However, after a well thought out plan Momo and Shoto were able to restrain Aizawa.

"That went better than I expected" the brunette commented moving a strand of hair out of her face. The thought of facing All Might was still a prevalent thought in Christina's mind. She was getting even more nervous,

"Are you ok" Izuku asked looking at her with a look of concern on his face. She shook her head,

"I'm just a bit nervous for our round" she explained.

"Bakugo doesn't seem very fond of either of us" she continued. The two of them had no plan to beat the hero. Hell, he was the number one hero. Even if they could come up with a plan it could definitely go wrong. The thought of it made Christina want to vomit.

"Are you sure you're ok" Uraraka piped up.

"Yes, don't worry about me" Christina reassured her. Deciding to distract herself by focusing on the match Christina watched as Uraraka left the room. She and the flamboyant blond boy were up against Thirteen. Soon, the both of them were desperately holding onto the railing as the wind from the pro hero's quirk, they were at a clear disadvantage. That's when the blond boy said something to Uraraka who's face turned red. She let go of the railing causing her to fly towards Thirteen. The wind stopped and before Uraraka hit the ground she grabbed Thirtern wrestling them to the ground.

"She must have learned a lot from her internship" Christina commented.

"Yeah, she's amazing" Izuku said a smile on his face. Thirteen was restrained and the two students had passed their exam. It was getting closer to Christina's round and her nerves were just getting worse. Her attention was then drawn to the screen once again as the next round began, Mina and Denki vs Principal Nezu. Christina was curious to see how someone like the school's principal would fight. He didn't seem that dangerous. However, the brunette was quickly proved wrong. Nezu was operating a crane destroying the buildings surrounding the two students.

He starred to laugh in a sadistic laugh as more debris crumbled to the ground. Christina was shocked to see this side of UA's prinacpel who was usually much calmer than this.

"That was.....unexpected" she said, there was a sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She had greatly underestimated Nezu, and if he ever found out that she was working with the villains she would probably be facing more dangerous consequences than she had previously imagined. Taking a deep breath Christina watched as Kota and Jirou started their match against Present Mic. Even if she couldn't hear what was going on the brunette could tell that the heros voice was loud enough to bust someone's ear drums. She was glad she didn't have to go up against him.

For some time the team was stuck in the forest, Present Mic's voice was keeping them from moving, she felt bad since she could imagine how badly their ears hurt.

"How are they supposed to get close to him like this" Izuku asked.

"It'll be hard to do with his quirk. It even overpowers Jirou" Christina said. The short haired female was able to cancel out Present Mic's voice for a moment. That moment however, was short lived.

"They're running out of time" Christina mentioned, suddenly bugs appeared from the ground attacking Mic. They crawled up his arm causing him to freeze in fear. The sight was something Christina found amusing. A pro hero, someone who faced deadly villains. Was afraid of bugs, this gave the chance for Jirou and Kota to escape and pass the exam.

"That is not how I expected that to end" Christina said.

"I hope today goes well" she mumbled to herself.

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