Chapter 11: Chaos at UA

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Christina sighed, she felt more nervous than she ever had.

"You know what you have to do, right?" Shigaraki asked her. After a moment, Christina turned to face him and nodded, trying not to show how nervous she was.

"Yes, get the schedule from the teacher's office without being seen and get it to you," she repeated what she had been told several times before now.

"Remember, wait until everyone is distracted" he reminded her, his tone serious. This time, the girl was finally able to calm her nerves and she smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll get it done" she said as she fixed her hair. She then prepared to leave but Shigaraki stood up, walked over to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Be careful, don't get caught" he said, his voice much softer than usual. The way it sounded made Christina feel at peace.

"You can count on me," Christina told him after a moment. A small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on Shigaraki's face, though it was covered by the hand he always had with him. Christina created a portal like she always did and stepped through it. Once again reappearing in the city, the teen made her way toward the building. As she got closer, she noticed the large crowd of reporters crowding around the gate.

"I guess Shigaraki won't have much of an issue distracting the teachers," she said to herself. Making sure no one else heard her. Stepping into the crowd the brunette did her best to push through the many people as microphones were suddenly shoved in her face. This caused her to lose her balance and she began to fall. However, before she could hit the ground, she felt someone catch her just in the nick of time. Confused, she looked up spotting a boy with messy purple hair looking at her with a blank look on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, helping her back to his feet. 

"Yes, thanks so much," she said, only to notice that the boy was already walking away. She let out a sigh and turned around, spotting a figure clad in a black hoodie. Light blue hair peaked out from underneath the hood. It was Shigaraki. He met eyes with her nodding,  and she nodded as well as if the two of them were having a silent conversation between them. Not wanting to be late Christina made her way into the school. In Aizawa's class, she was approached by a blond-haired boy. He had a small, black, lightning mark on it. The same one she had caught staring at her before. 

"Hey, my name's Kaminari" he introduced himself. She smiled holding out her hand.

"My name is Christina, it's nice to meet you" she replied, the boy blushing slightly as they shook hands.

"I saw your match yesterday, you did really well," he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The two of them sat down as more students filed into the class. Aizawa walked with a blank expression on his face as usual. He announced that they would be picking a class representative, but Christina wasn't really paying attention. She was too busy worrying about the plan. Did All For One really trust her with something that important? What if something went wrong? She shook her head, she couldn't think like that. She was suddenly snapped from her thoughts when the class was given slips of paper to vote on who should be class president, Christina sat there thinking. She didn't know many of her classmates that well. Finally coming to a decision she wrote down Iida's name. He seemed responsible enough to be the class representative. It's not like she cared that much anyway. The winners ended up being Izuku and Momo, they seemed like reasonable enough choices. Of course, Bakugo wasn't happy about the boy's victory.  but soon, it was lunchtime and he had no time to protest. Making her way to the cafeteria Christina found herself looking around the lunch room her tray in hand. She was hoping there would be an empty table. 

"Hey Christina, do you wanna sit with us" Urararaka called out, smiling. Thinking for a moment the brunet walked over taking a seat next to Iida. She didn't really participate in the conversation, not until the family was brought up, causing her to shift uncomfortably in her seat. Luckily, the conversation didn't last much longer as the school alarm suddenly began to go off, startling the students. Remaining calm, Christina stood up from her seat. She quietly followed the crowd, waiting for the right time to break off and find what she needed. Soon the opportunity presented itself and Christina found herself standing in front of the teacher's lounge. She silently opened the door and began looking around, hoping to find what she was looking for. Luckily, she did so. Christina pulled out a paper, revealing the schedule she needed to give to Shigaraki. Smirking she created a portal and appeared outside of the school where Shigaraki was waiting for her.

"Did you get it?" he asked. She didn't say anything, simply handing the paper to him with a smirk on her face.

"Sure did," she finally spoke. A smile appeared on the blue-haired villain's face.

"Good, you should head back to class before anyone notices you're gone," he warned her. The teen was able to make it back to class without anyone noticing that she had been gone. Izuku ended up giving his position as class president to Iida, who had apparently been helpful during the whole media panic. The girl smiled, proud of herself.

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