Chapter 10: Battle Training

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"So your teacher is Eraserhead" Shigaraki said, Christina nodded. The two sat next to each other, Christina resting her head in her hand. 

"I don't know how I didn't recognize him at first," she said, shrugging her shoulders in a casual manner.

"Are you sure it's him?" the blue-haired villain asked, glancing at her with a serious expression on his face. 

"Of course I am! I saw him use his quirk, It's definitely him" Christina replied, a smile on her face. 

"What you don't trust my judgment?" The teen asked, faking being insulted by his question. Shigaraki ignored this and continued speaking.

"Hopefully he won't be much of a problem" Shigaraki mumbled scratching his neck nervously, making Christina frown. That's when Kurogiri stepped in, interrupting the two.

"We need to talk about our plan," he told the two of them as they looked over.

"Yeah, you still haven't told me what I'm supposed to do" Christina huffed, an annoyed expression on her face. 

"In two days, I'm going to cause a distraction. While the teachers aren't paying attention you need to steal a copy of the schedule for your training." Shigaraki told her, giving the girl a serious look, 

"You can't waste time. You won't have much of a window until they calm things down. Don't be seen." he warned her, 

" Yeah yeah, I know. What kind of distraction do you have in mind" the brunet asked, brushing off the male's concern. 

"The media, if the word gets out that All Might is teaching at UA they'll go crazy. It won't be hard to get them at the school." 

"Hey, that's actually a really good idea, Those reporters are always desperate for a story. Now I'm gonna go to my room" Christina told the two of them as she stood up from the bar. She let out a tired sigh as she changed out of her uniform and lay down on her bed. The next day Christina walked into the classroom finding it mostly empty. The only other person there was a bi-colored-haired boy who was staring out the window with a blank expression on his face. A smile appeared on her face as she decided to introduce herself.

"Hi, I'm Christina. What's your name?" she asked holding out her hand. After a moment the boy looked at her with the same blank expression on his face. he made no move to shake her hand or even tell her his name. Christina frowned after receiving no reply but took no offense to the boy's cold nature, he didn't seem like the social type anyway. She didn't say anything else as she sat in the same seat as before, silently waiting for class to begin. Eventually, the rest of the students filed in, taking their seats as they began to chat with each other. Christina didn't pay much attention until the classroom door was flung open out of nowhere, revealing All Might standing in the doorway with a wide grin on his face. Christina frowned resisting the temptation to roll her eyes. when she looked at the hero.

"I am coming through the door" he began to say in a deep, booming voice.

"LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" he yelled, his voice even louder this time. The volume of it made the teen wince slightly. The students of class 1A all began to murmur excitedly as they saw the number one hero. 

"Wow, it's really him, awesome," a boy with spiky, red hair said, smiling. The hero explained that the class would be doing battle training. Instructing the students to change into the hero costumes that had been designed for them. Taking the suitcase that was meant for her, Christina once again made her way to the changing room. Opening the suitcase she saw what had been made for her. It was actually well made, she couldn't help but be impressed. Her hero costume consisted of a top and bottom. The top was made of green fabric and decorated with vines. The largest one going across the chest. There were also shorts that were made of the same fabric, with fake vines also decorating them. Christina was grateful that the outfit wasn't too revealing. The last thing inside the suitcase was a pair of combat boots, the same color as the rest of her hero costume. Slipping on the boots, Christina looked down at herself, smiling. She had honestly expected a lot worse. Now that she had changed she walked outside joining the crowd of students. Uraraka spotted her and ran up to the girl with a smile on her face. Uraraka's hero costume consisted of a black and pink skin-tight body suit, pink, chunky boots, a headpiece, and gauntlet-like accessories on her wrist. 

"Wow Christina, you look so good. I love your costume" Uraraka gushed, looking her up and down with a sparkle in her eyes. Christina smiled as well. 

"So do you Urararaka, your costume fits you" she complimented. The two of them continued to chat until the students were divided into teams. Christina was put into a team with the bi-color-haired boy who didn't seem too keen on ever talking to her. She would have to deal with it nonetheless.  Izuku was put into a team with Urararaka, they would be going against Bakugo and Iida. All twenty-one students were paired off into teams before being led to a dimly lit room with monitors covering one wall. Bakugo and Iida were put against Izuku and Uraraka for the first round, and the blond seemed eager to fight the green-haired boy. Once the match started they were able to sneak into the building,  and Christina watched eagerly as Bakugo separated from Iida with a scowl on his face. The brunet could guess that he would go after Izuku. He seemed to hold a grudge against the green-haired boy for some reason, she couldn't guess why since he seemed so nice. Christina remained silent, keeping her eyes on the monitor. Bakugo snuck up on Izuku and Urararaka instantly attacking Izuku who was just barely able to jump out of the way and dodge his attack. Urararaka ran off in the other direction leaving the two boys to fight on their own. There was a lot of Bakugo attacking Izuku and the green-haired boy dodging. For some reason he wasn't using his quirk which Christina found odd. Soon, the fight started to get brutal, it almost made Christina wince.

"All Might this is going too far, you should stop the match," Iida said, The group was worried that someone would get seriously hurt. All Might picked up what seemed to be a radio and began speaking into it. 

"Young Bakugo, if you don't stop I'll call the match" the hero warned but the boy didn't listen as the match simply continued. It was almost like he was trying to injure Izuku as much as he could. The match finally ended when Uraraka was able to get a hold of the weapon. However, Izuku still had an injured arm and had to be taken to Recovery Girl. Bakugo was angry and mostly ignored everyone else except for glaring at them. Christina and Todoroki won their match even if he wasn't the most cooperative teammate in the world. After changing out of her costume, Christina left the school and made her way back to the hideout.

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