Chapter 39: Fighting All Might?!

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Christina sat at her desk the test sitting in front of her, she took a deep breath as the test sat in front of her. Despite the studying she had done she still worried that she wouldn't pass. Even more nerve wracking was the fact that the practical exam was still something she had to pass, even if she did well on the test.

"Begin" Aizawa said as the students began answering questions. The nerves Christina had quickly wore off, all the late night studying she had done really paid off.

(Day three of the exam)
Christina sat her pencil down finally finishing the last question. She felt fairly confident that she had passed this part of the exam. Now allan there was to worry about was the practical exam. That thought made her nervous again, she hated how weak she felt only being able to use one of her many quirks. Soon, Time was called and the exam was done. Christina's classmates all had looks on their faces that ranger from relieved to worried. The brunette shrugged now focusing on how she would pass the practical exam, failure was not an option.

Christina was panicking, 1A originally expected to he fighting the robots from the entrance exam. That would have been easy enough to pass, but their hopes were crushed when principal Nezu popped out of Aizawa's scarf announcing that they would instead be fighting then teachers. The feeling of panic that spread throughout Christina's body was worse than before, she knew all of the teachers were not to be taken lightly. After all, they were pros. She scanned the teachers her eyes landing on All Might, she didn't want to have to go against him. Not yet, not while she was still held back by only using one quirk. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself, she had to focus. The League's plan was riding on her, She could not fail.

"Midoryia, Katsuki, and Christina will be in the same group" Nezu said. The brunette froze, she looked over at the angry blond who glared at her and the green haired boy. She did not want to work with someone like Bakugo. She didn't mind Midoryia but her other teammate was guaranteed not to be a team player.

"And the person they'll be going against is" Nezu began, suddenly All Might jumped down landing in front of the group. Christina felt her heart beat quicken. This was the complete opposite of what she had hoped. Not only did she have to work with someone like Bakugo who hated both her and Midoryia, but she had to fight against All Might. Yes, she hated the man but she wasn't able to use the full potential of her quirk. Without that she would have a huge disadvantage against the pro hero.

"What do I do papa?" She asked herself, she felt more powerless than she had in a long time.

"I don't know what to do" she cried to herself.

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