Chapter 98: The Heroes Attack

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Christina found herself sitting next to Toga in the lounge of their new hideout, it was quiet, too quiet for her liking. She never really believed in superstition but she had a feeling about today. A feeling that something was going to happen. Christina wasn't sure what, but she was always prepared. Lost in thought, the brunette didn't even notice Toga poking her arm, trying to get her attention. Her green eyes were focused on the wall in front of her as if she could see through it.

"Christina-chan?" Toga spoke, causing the brown-haired girl to look over at her, lips drawn into a thin line. 

"Are you ok?" the blond asked, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. Christina was silent for a moment, glancing out the window. She could see the clear blue sky and trees that encased the area. 

"I'm fine" she stated, half lying. She didn't want to say for sure that something bad was going to happen, but she was ready in case it did.


Aiko, Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Shoto, and Bakugo all stood in their places inside the city, things were quiet. The only sound that reached her ears was the sound of distant sirens that were slowly getting louder. Finally, the source of the noise made itself known as several ambulances raced down their street, away from the hospital. Their lights were blinking rapidly, telling people to make way. 

"They must be carrying people from the hospital," Uraraka said as the blond looked in the direction of said building. A nervous feeling built up in the pit of her stomach. But all she could do was wait for their orders. Luckily, soon after though, she heard a voice in her earpiece. 

"Begin evacuation in your assigned areas" the hero instructed. Aiko looked over at her friends with a determined expression on her face, they all looked at each other for a moment, it was time. 


Meanwhile, just as (Y/N) was about to fall asleep due to boredom, she heard something, a faint noise. Her head perked up as she listened, green eyes scanning the room before landing on the window as her eyes narrowed in suspicion, she was hearing the sound of running. Before she could process anything, the entire building began to shake, almost knocking (Y/N) to the floor, in the hallway faint yells could be heard along with a large group of people running. 

"Heros," she said to herself, her voice going unheard by anyone else in the room, they were too focused on trying to figure out what was happening. 

"They always ruin everything."

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