Chapter 21: Obstacle Race

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Christina was standing at the starting line of the obstacle race with a large amount of other students around her. She had a determined look on her face. The rules were simple enough, stay inside the track and do whatever you could to win, She just hoped the one quirk she was allowed to use in UA would be enough. The race started as people started to run. Christina took off only to find herself stuck in a tunnel being pushed around by others. She created a large tree that sprung up from the dirt and lifted her above the large crowd. A grim on her face she exited the tunnel. Not far behind her Shoto appeared leaving a trail of Ice behind him. She turned to face the bi-color-haired boy smiling at him. 

She thought she could see his face turn slightly red even if his face remained stoic and focused. Christina continued to run down the track until she was suddenly stopped. The robots from the entrance exams blocked her path. Thinking quickly she shot tree roots at the robot destroying it and leaving her a clear path to continue forward. Just like before Shoto was right behind her having frozen the robots in their place. Bakugo had also caught up, it was hard to miss him with all the yelling he was doing.

As Christina was running she felt someone watching her from a distance. She ignored it and continued through the obstical course until she eventually came to a deep cavern. There was a rope above it, vines erupted from the ground carrying her across the large ravine and quickly disappearing again. She smirked to herself satisfied with her progress. She pushed herself to run forward, this time Izuku was also not far behind her along with Katsuki and Shoto. The angry blond and bi-color haired boy were already getting close to passing her. The brown-haired girl came to a sudden stop when she came to a minefield.

"They really don't hold back, do they?" She asked herself. More vines appeared going underground, this way she could tell where the mines were placed. She started to go around each area as quickly as she could. She frowned as Shoto passed her. Bakugo and Izuku were also getting closter. She pushed her legs to go faster despite how tired she felt. She ended up coming fourth which wasn't the worst but she knew she could've done better. She put those thoughts out of her head as she walked over to Izuku who had come in first.

"Good job Izuku" she congratulated him. He turned around in surprise his face going red.

"Thanks, Christina" he sputtered out, the crowd of people watching started to cheer loudly as the various students crossed the finish line.

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