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No one's pov

It had been a whole week since Taehyung came in with Bangtan's household. He is getting well adapted to it's surroundings. Namjoon and Yoongi have been getting along really well with Taehyung. It's not like Hoseok is any less but both the others are to much attached to the hybrid boy. It felt like they have been knowing him for years.

Also since that night Taehyung had been sleeping with Jeongguk.Everyone was shocked when the younger told them that the elder will be sleeping because he was disagreeing at night but was proposing him.

Jeongguk really felt like an angel dropped in there home when he woke up that morning finding a cute pouty face squished because it was led on his bicep snuggling deeper into his chest. Jeongguk was lost for words. After then no matter how hard he tried he is never able to keep his cold demeanor in front of the hybrid boy.

The week had been a bit tough on Bangtan as they had some donations and charity functions to be attended. Well you see they are not the bad kind of Mafia but it's actually the opposite. They are the good Mafias- you might think how can Good and Mafia go together right. Hahah. But they are different, they are special. Being in Mafia they do dealing of drugs and stuff but most important the money they earn they use it for good purpose.

After finding this out Taehyung became a bit more closer to Bangtan.


(A/N: It's weekend again. Heheh 😅😅it been a week so.. )

Jeongguk was sitting in his study room along with Namjoon discussing about recruiting new members. Meanwhile Yoongi was taking care of Taehyung since Seokjin went outside to buy some groceries. And Hoseok was helping in training.

"Where are the 5 people I chose. Can you call them? " Jeongguk questions.

"They are with Hoseok. I think he was training them a bit with the others. Sure. I'll call him. " Namjoon replys smiling while taking out his phone.

Namjoon calls Hoseok and tells him to send the 5 people. After sometime the study room's door open revealing Hoseok and 5 other new faces following behind him.

"Come here. Nice to meet y'all. We have been seeing you for the past months. You all work very hard. So we decided to officially appoint you guys in our team. " Jeongguk says to the five boys.

"You five will have a separate group. Say your name and what will you like to call yourself and even your group. As well as choose your leader. " Namjoon speaks up.

"I'm Choi Soo Bin. I'll like to be called Soobin"

"Hello I'm Choi Yeon Jun. Yeonjun is okay. "

"I'm Choi Beom Gyu. Nice to meet you all. Beomgyu"

"Kang Tae Hyun. Hello. Taehyun is fine "

"Kai Kamal Huening. For short Huening Kai. "

"We decided if we were to be in a group, Soobin will be our leader. " The Yeonjun guy says.

Everyone nods satisfyingly.

"So it's decided. You'll be working with us in company as well as given missions. I'll tell you more details later. You can go now. " Jeongguk tells them to leave.

"Thank you. " They all bow and turn towards the door.

As they leave Yoongi enters.

"Hello guys. Hoseok I think you wanted to go somewhere. " Yoongi says.

"Oh yeahhh. Let's go I've been waiting so much for this day. " Hoseok replies.

"Hyung where's Taehyung? And where are you guys going. " Jeongguk curiously questions.

"Well Taehyung is sleeping. "

"And both of them are to shelter to adopt a hybrid. " Namjoon says looking at the Sope couple.

"Oh okay. Take care bye. " Saying Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah bye Look. Let's go Yoongles. I'm so happy. " Hoseok excitedly yells pulling Yoongi out of the room.

Both work for some more time. They finish their work and walk out of the study room only to be met with Seokjin in living room.

"Hey Joonie and Kook. Come here. "

"Hey babe. " Saying Namjoon hugs Jin.

"Hie Hyung. Some thing is bothering you? "

"Uhh... that... Ummmm...." Seokjin looks towards Namjoon for help. Namjoon understand what he wanted to say.

"Ahh Kook. We have to talk about Taehyung. " Namjoon says in a serious tone.

They hear shuffling behind but nobody bothers to look as Taehyung was an important one about whom they were talking about.

"Taehyung? Why? What's wrong? Is he okay? " Jeongguk worriedly questions.

"Actually you know since he is a hybrid like me and that he had a care giver but not anymore soo uhhh.. We.. We were.. " Jin starts.

"We were thinking if you could take him into your care or shall we take him in? " And Namjoon completes it for him.

Jeongguk thinks for some time and then replies,

"Don't worry. I'll take him. As you both have hybrids now. I'll also take care of one. I don't want him to be left alone. "

"R-really K-kook? "*sniffs * Seokjin says sniffing.

"Yes Hyungs. I'll take him in my care just tell me about his shelter and I'll talk with them. "

"Omg I'm so happy for my baby. Joon, Kook has grown up well. " Jin says patting Jeongguk's shoulder.

"Thanks a lot Jeongguk. " Namjoon thanks him with a warm smile.

Suddenly a broken sob and voice is heard.

"R-really G-gukkie. Y-our not l-lying, a-are you? "

Chapter out.
I'm sad we didn't break the record but still it's okay.
Hope you have a nice day.
Keep streaming. Borahae!!!

I always feel like one whenever we are waiting for the comeback

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I always feel like one whenever we are waiting for the comeback.

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