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⭕⭕Some moments might trigger you so please take caution while reading❌❌

It was beautiful sunny morning with the sun shining brightly in his full glory and lightening the whole world. It was surely beautiful and pleasant morning for everyone but for Kim Taehyung, it was the worst day of his life.

Taehyung regained his consiousness and found himself sitting on a wooden chair, hands, legs and tail tied to eachother and a blindfold tied around his eyes. He then suddenly remembers about what actually happened when his care giver took him home. His eyes turn a shade of blue as he was shivering and tail curling with fear with only two sentences going on and on in his mind, "I'll make sure you'll have fun tonight bub. I'll also make sure to wreck you until you can't remember your name", his palms feeling sweaty and chills running down his spines. No matter how much he tried to free himself he just couldn't do anything. He was too weak to protect himself from something terrifying that was gonna happen to him.

He then tries recalling what he was told yesterday that he will finally have his care giver, he was very happy to finally find someone who would take care of him, give him love that he deserved, someone to tell him that everything was fine now and that he was not alone anymore. He just wished to find someone whom he would give himself, fully trust that someone with him and ready to spend all of his life with them. He had been dreaming each and everyday, questioning himself about the one an only person who will accept him and not just left him like his father did for money.

Well his father doesn't knows he lost such a sweet, beautiful angel who was fragile as glass, if he was ever to be shattered into pieces he would surely loose himself, will be broken painfully and will need utmost care and lots of time to mend. He knew happiness doesn't last forever. He was just happy that finally he will be freed from his cage. Everything was perfect Tae packed his clothes and other necessary things, he surely bid cook Min who was his only fav one throughout the whole place, who actually showered him with love, Tae gave her last goodbye kiss on her cheek and with glassy eyes left and was patiently waiting for his care giver. While waiting he called his two best friends Jinie and Minie.

Then suddenly a black expensive car(idk much about cars I'm sorry) arrived and stopped in front, he was amazed because here comes his rich care giver but that didn't matter to him since he just wanted someone who would shower him with love, care and lots of compliments. The car doors open with a click and comes a man who seem to be in his 40s along with two men in black behind him.

Taehyung was soo happy when he saw him that he happily skipped over to the man and greeted him by bowing. "Hello, you must be Taehyung. Nice to meet you. I'm your care giver Lee Nam Seok. Get in the car I'll signed some paper work that's left and join you, okay?" Taehyung shyly nodded with a soft 'Yes' and enter the car he was amazed by how his care giver look - he was way more muscular than him and had an stiff stern voice but notheless he found himself already imagining the beautiful times that he would spend with him.(A/N: not those dirty ones like you know son-father moments.)

Time skip~~~

After they reached home, Nam Seok gently pulled Taehyung towards the kitchen and they were talking freely as if if they knew each other for years because he found that the older was really good at socializing. Then the older offered Taehyung a glass of juice as the younger felt his throat dry due to talking to much. Taehyung thanked the elder and chunked down the whole glass of juice in a bit unaware that Nam Seok had slipped a sleeping pill in it. Taehyung suddenly found himself feeling dizzy he moved forward towards the older asking what was wrong with him but then he heard the older chuckle and spoke those words which terrifyed him so much that he instantly fell onto his knees only to be caught by the older, everything black out for him. He wanted to leave this place so badly his mind going blank just thinking about the thing he really hated more than anything and that being used for pleasure by others who just wants to fulfill their dirty desires.

Tae's pov (Night time)

Oh God, where am I stucked. What time is it? How much long have I been past out? I can't believe this. I wanna go run away from here hide myself but I can't. Shall I try screaming will it help? "Someone here, please help me. Anyone please save me. Please... Please... someone. " I suddenly here a click sound of a door opening and sound of heavy footsteps approaching towards me, I turn my head in that direction but I can't see due to the blind fold. I shout desperately thinking hopefully I'll be saved "Please help me. I'm begging you let me go what have I done to you? Please let me go.... Hey!!! " Someone grabs my jaw tightly and turn it upwards and then what I hear makes my whole world and all my hope crumble and shatter into pieces. The familiar chuckle and the stern voice, "Hey, slut no one's gonna hear you the walls are soundproof. Now that it's night are you ready to have some fun as I promised it to you."

❌❌ *mention of sexual assault read only if your comfortable* ❌❌

No one's pov

Nam Seok starts roaming his hands all over Taehyung's petite body. Nam Seok tries touching Taehyung's ears as he know those are sensitive. He moves closer and starts sucking on his neck avoiding all the cries of pain and disgust in the eyes of the younger. Taehyung starts squirming and screaming for help, Nam Seok was getting really annoyed by this so he stopped gave a harsh slap on Taehyung's left cheek and told him, " Keep your mouth shut you slut or I will not go easy on you. " Taehyung still wanted to shout but his voice was stuck it won't come out. He starts thinking about his hyungs how will they react and his dream about seeing his brother now that he is going to be dirty and used, will he ever be able to reach them and hold them close and cry on their shoulders till all his pain is gone or would they think of him as dirty slut and leave him like his father. Nam Seok becomes satisfied that his trick worked he starts unzipping his pants. For Taehyung everything stops, his mind going blank, he was gonna be raped and he himself can't do anything. Just then a loud gun shot is heard and he hears Nam Seok cursing and some people coming towards them.

Tae's pov

Just as the gun shot goes off I hear a beautiful ( hehe beautiful 😅😅) voice, "Hey you piece of Sh*t. Your caught now fu*ki*g surrender. "

And another voice a bit more mature and stern, " Leave that boy alone. "

That someone unties me and when my blind fold which was fully soaked with my tears was about to be removed when everything goes black and my body goes limp before I could get to look at my saviors.

Hello guys. I'm Uru.
Who do you think the saviors are?
This was my first episode. I'll try to be better in the future. If you find any mistake tell me I'll correct it.
If you like it please surely vote.
Thank you for reading.
Pray for Yoongi #GetWellSoonYoongi

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (:𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐀𝐚𝐚𝐀:) 💜𝐁𝐓𝐒💜✔NÆ¡i câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ