°Chapter 3°

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Hello gays, guys, girls, queers!
I have been working on another book recently!
My Bakugo x Male reader so if you want to check it out be my guest!
This chapter is going to be about Nature day.



After my fall, everyone was worried about me. Especially Natsumi, he was blaming himself that he wasn't there to watch over me. After eating dinner we all went down to our cabin. Natsumi was in the back, he looked angry. I went over to him and said,
"It's not your fault. If I wasn't so reckless I wouldn't have hurt myself. You don't need to blame yourself for everything I do. I need to take responsibility for my actions." I then put my hand on his shoulder and looked at him.
"It was sweet of you to be concerned over me though."
"I just want you to stay safe. Preferably in my arms..." He mumbled the last part.
"Pardon?" I asked, to which he responded by flinching and running ahead.
"Ok?" I questioned.

When we got into the Cabins I remembered. Tomorrow was the 'big event' that Scoutmaster Yoshi was telling us about. The decided to take a shower.

In the showers

As I stripped I realised I didn't have my pyjamas. I couldn't be assed to walk out there. I also didn't want to walk out there ass-naked in front of straight, ahem let me correct myself....Queer.... men. As I sat down to wash I noticed my dangling dick hanging between my legs. As I was alone I thought it would be alright to touch it I guess. Mine was of medium length. Not really any pubic hair, not because I shave it, because I don't really grow hair down there really fast. Just thinking about dicks made me semi hard. Seeing my dick slowly rising in front of me was a bit awkward. I am so gay. I love it! I touched just the tip and it made me moan in pleasure. I also wasn't really the sort of person who needed to jerk off as soon as they get hard. I could wait. But I wanted to. But I needed to wait. But I can't resist. Just then I felt my body act on its own. I quickly ran to a shower stall to finish off.
I slipped my thumb in to the slit of my penis. I let out a small moan, just touching the tip was enough to make me cum. I was kinda sensitive down there. Lightly gripping my dick, I started to move my hand. The feeling was good. If only I had another man to do this with me. At the thought of that I felt a bit down. I continued to Jerk off until I shot my load on to the shower wall. I then cleaned off everything and went out. I noticed some of the boys taking about badges.
"Ah. Y/n!" Natsumi blushed as he notices I'm in my dirty underwear.
"Hello." I said, tiredly I was about to go to my bed when I noticed my underwear on my bed. I went to change them in my bed. I layed down under the covers and I took my dirty ones off. Just then Yoichi ran over to my bed and grabbed both sets of my underwear.
"H..hey! Give those back!" I blushed. Just then Yoichi took Hiros clothes. We were having a huge argument. I kept quiet for a second before yelling. No one had heard me raise my voice this high and being this angry before.
"ENOUGH!" I yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. "NOW STOP ACTING LIKE CHILDREN AND SETTLE DOWN."
Hiro and I got our shit back and for the rest of the time the room was in an uncomfortable silence.
"Sorry for raising my voice. It's late, I'm tired and I'm sure all of you guys are as well. We have a big day tomorrow so let's make it count." I said, breaking the silence to which everyone else responded with a sorry, even Yoichi which I was surprised with.

In the morning

I woke up feeling a bit better. I saw everyone was awake already, I stumbled out of the bed, then I realised that I had nothing on but my underwear. Must have gotten hot during the night. Just then a squealing noise came from inside the cabin.
"KYAAAAA~~ SO MANY BOYS!" She ran in as she fangirled all of us, she then came to me and started hyperventilating, "SUCH A CUTE BODY! A..AND THE ABS!"
Saying that made me feel even more uncomfortable than I already was showing my body. Obviously Natsumi caught on.
"S..so Ms. Yuri what are we doing today!" He asked with a smile.
"Today we have a slight change of plan." She answered, everyone looked confused by the 'slight change of plans',
"As it's Nature day today we are going to all be doing nature related activities. You get to pick these activities! For badges."
We all smiled including Yoichi, he probably is going to fumble around the forest. We then all got dressed and left the cabins.

Him (Camp Buddy x Male reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now