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Hello! This is the part where I evaluate my book and say what I thought about it and what you expect to see from me in the future. So, lets start!

I just wanted to start off by saying that I absolutely loved writing this book, this was because I felt like it was so out of my comfort zone to write an actual story based on a Yaoi game, which I knew it would have its downfalls but I'll talk more about that in a sec. I really liked the idea of having a character who had a strong relationship with his father, something that I also wanted to try as I have not experienced a father figure in my life yet, something I really wish would happen, but I am happy with how things are at the moment. I thought about Natsumi being a perfect love Interest as I wanted someone who loved the water like the main character, and also someone who could learn a lot from my character, and obviously vice versa, as we see further into the story. But overall I had a blast writing this book.

Now, with every positive comes a negative. The two biggest negatives I had whilst writing this book were, Sourcing the Camp buddy game walkthroughs, and The length of the story. Firstly, about sourcing the walkthrough. My biggest issue was the videos on YT kept on getting taken down because of the community guidelines. This meant that I constantly had to find a new place to source camp buddy, I got a few comments asking me why I cant just buy the game, the problem with that is, I'm broke and don't have money, I am still closeted and Also I am underage and If I asked my mum if I Could buy it she would no doubt say no and I'm not going out myself just for a game. The video's I had been using were taken down 3 times, I ended up finding a good series of The Natsumi Route, by JAYPD on YouTube, I got one of my dearest friends to download two of the videos for me as YT wouldn't let me view them because of the guidelines. And as for the shmexy scenes, I used SYNCLAIR's patreon to download the scenes and write off of them (The last time I checked they're patreon was free). As for the length of the book, I knew I was biting off more than I could chew, and It did evidently catch up to me, I just got really uninspired to write, and it doesn't make it any better having ADHD and trying to write, I find it really hard to concentrate, however when I am under pressure, I tend to write faster but more carelessly and sloppier, so that's why I decided to take writing over two days instead of one evening, I say that but then I did write the last chapter and this afterthought, one on my grandma's birthday and also on the same evening, Teehee.  But overall, that's why I decided to cut the story shorter, However I still tried to write it in a way that made it seem like I had written everything after the Halloween party. 

What you can Expect from me in the future.

In the future I definitely want to relax on going by exactly the anime or the source I'm basing the story off of, I really want to have my hand at creating my own story from the ground up, Maybe based around a drama performance I'm currently doing. But here's My initial ideas on what I'm thinking of doing;

BNHA x OC: In this Bnha story, It will be based off of a theme that is close to home for me, the theme being me! What I mean by this is creating a story with events that have happened in my life that I think are key to teach people a lesson, The main character being based off of me, I was thinking of a Panda, This is because I am on the thicker sign and have been referred to as a panda many times before. He would have a strong connection with his father and loves to cook. He would be a friendly gentle giant, who needs to overcome his fear of violence after being bullied badly thorough his life.

Demon Slayer x Male Reader: In this story, the main character is a highly skilled Hashira class Demon slayer who came from a rather traumatic background. His family used to own a funeral director/parlour, a well known place for dealing with demon related deaths. One day when the main character goes to close up the Mortuary, he forgets to encase the room with Wisteria flowers and Oil. Later on in the night he goes down stairs after hearing a disturbance and realises that his whole family; Father, Brother, Mother and Baby sister had been mauled and decapitated by the demon, as well as the whole contents of the Mortuary, He kills the demon by cutting its head off with a wisteria oil laced knife. He runs away and trains as a demon slayer by himself, then with another student, who later becomes his boyfriend and learns a special type of breathing style, Spirit breathing (Ghost breathing- If you want to know more, think of a male HuTao from genshin impact.) The negative about this is I am going to have to wait until the second series of KNY is on Netflix.

Pokemon x Male Reader/OC (TBC): In this story I am thinking of doing a story from one of either regions, These regions being either Unova or Kalos. Also based on the Anime.
For Unova: The Main character would be a Pokemon ranger with a team beginning with 1 pokemon (Buneary). And also will enter the the group of cilan ash and iris in the episode Gotta catch A roggenrolla. (BW037 I think) He will travel with the group and have lots of experiences with them. Although he is travelling with the group he is still a pokemon ranger.
For Kalos: Much of this is subject to change. The vibe im going for is a pokemon performer who is taking part in the Prince's cup (Like the princess cup but the male version- At the end the two winners of the princess and prince's cup will battle to show the true champion of the kalos region.) His pokemon Will be either Swablu, Litwick or Pansage/Pansear (I don't like panpour). Thats pretty much it for the Kalos one. (Maybe you all can help me on what to do?)

Anyways, That's pretty much it from me tonight! I hope you enjoyed hearing my afterthoughts on the book! Let me know what you think of the story ideas. All of them are subject to change btw. Hope you enjoyed! 


Word count: 1145

Him (Camp Buddy x Male reader) (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora