°Chapter 14°

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Hi all! Schools really done a number on my sleep schedule so I might as well do a chapter now. Btw the photo is of my cat, one of the 4 I have. Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Me and Natsumi were helping Scoutmaster Aiden making dinner, Beef and Potato Stew, sounds delicious. I currently was cutting vegetables for dinner, Natsumi preparing to light our camp fire. As Natsumi took his leave I felt an ease wash over me.
"Seems like you've really settled into Camp Buddy Y/n!" Aiden smiled.
"It's been really fun, I've enjoyed every moment of it." I concentrated on cutting the veg.
"Natsumi's really loosened up to you, he's not that chore-crazy." The Scoutmaster was cutting veg with me now. "The both of you have gotten really friendly with each other."
"He's a nice guy, he really is you could trust him with your life." A small blush crept across my face. "I understand why you love your job so much."
"Oh really?" He turned to me.
"Your aspiration is to make others happy, that gives you the desire to work hard everyday." I. Looked back up at Aiden.
"Exactly right." Aiden giggled.
"I've got the firewood!" Natsumi popped in.
"Ah!" Aiden jumped in surprise. "Oh, um, you can go set the fire up while I season the meat."

"Fire!" I smiled. Wow, I sound like a Pyromaniac.

After we had finished cooking dinner, we were all called to eat. Eating Delicious Beef and potato stew on a warm beach, watching the sun go down, with my friends, it was the best!

Timeskip - Later on in the evening

"Finally! Buttcheeks made some good food!" Yoichi let out a burp.
"How vulgar." I whispered under my breath.
"Hey! Yesterday's Barbecue was just as good!" Hiro argued.
"Can we talk about something that doesn't involve them two arguing." Hunter chimed in, tiredly.
"Oh! What badges did you get guys!?" Keitaro asked. "Let's start with Hunter."
"The art badge." Hunter stated. "Of the ocean."
"That's so cool!" I said. "Would you make one for my journal?"
"If you would like." Hunter smiled.
"If you think Hunter is the only one with Talent, check this out!" Hiro exclaimed.
"This stupid badge Sherif Brokeback gave us?" Yoichi pulled out a badge with a flexing arm on it.
"Aw! Yoichi! You ruined the surprise." Hiro groaned.
"Huh. Yoichi and Hiro went for the same badge?" Keitaro was visibly confused.
"Comparing yourselves again?" I giggled.
"I thought you would be with Sir Aiden cooking." The green haired boy smiled.
"I had to surprise you with something." The orange haired boy giggled. "What badges did you get Y/n and Natsumi?"
"We borrowed Keitaro's camera and got the photography badge." I smiled, holding up the badge.
"Cool!" Hiro exclaimed.
"I wanted to try and get a badge I don't have, photography was one of them." The tall man beside me spoke up. "Y/n helped me a lot."
"I'm still scared of bugs." I shivered.
"Can we see them?" Hunter popped out from his silence.
"Maybe tomorrow, I'm tired." I let out a giggly yawn and looked over to the tent.
"Im tired from working my muscles all day." Hiro yawned.
"What muscles?" Yoichi snickered. Just then I saw a shady looking Taiga walk out of our tent.
"Um, not to alarm anyone but Taiga is walking out of our tent." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Kinda suspicious." Hiro looked over.
"Very suspicious." Hunter added.
"Oi!" Yoichi called out to Taiga.
"O-oh! Hi guys." The suspicious individual stuttered.
"Any reason to be in our tent?" I asked.
"Must be up to something." Hiro scowled.
"What! We're all friends here right, of course I'm not doing anything." Taiga went wide eyed. "I-I was actually looking for you guys!"
"Oh really?" The orange eyed boy's tone changed slightly. "What did you want to talk about?"
"I- um, wanted to talk to Keitaro. Alone actually." The red head stuttered, looking away.
"Oh...ok." Keitaro said.

I could hear mumbling. But I could pick out a few words, "Start over" and "friends".
"I don't trust a single thing that little prick says." I spoke up.
"Neither, too shifty." Yoichi moved, slightly closer to me.
"Leave him alone guys. He just wants to be friends." Keitaro sighed.
"I still don't trust him." I mumbled.
"Y/n, he's trying to be friendly ok, so you should try and make an effort." Natsumi looked at me.
"Fine, but I'm still not trusting him." I replied.
"It's time for curfew." Natsumi instructed all of us to get into the tent.

In the tent - (That sounds very sexual so please don't think of it that way even though there are some iffy moments)

"Weird, I don't feel sleepy tonight." Hiro mumbled.
"Thought you said you were tired." I mumbled, sitting up.
"Gah! I can't sleep like this!" Yoichi growled, taking his clothes so he was left in his underwear.
"Why are you stripping down Yoichi." Natsumi put his fingers on the bridge of his nose.
"It's too hot to sleep in clothes!" Yoichi groaned.
"Baby, I don't want to see what Junk you've got in your Trunk." I sighed. Hiro and Keitaro giggled.
"Its a bit early to be sleeping right now. Anyone want to play a game?" The blonde asked.
"I kinda want to go outside, my tummy's still rumbling from dinner." Hiro giggled.
"I'd do anything to get out of this tent. I'd play with Torch-head." Yoichi was desperate.
"It is rather stuffy in here." I sighed. "I'm claustrophobic Darren!"
"Who's Darren?" Everyone turned to me, I just giggled.
"You heard the rules! No going out after curfew!" Natsumi tried to get us to stay, it was failing.
"Who cares! It's only going to be quick." Yoichi shoved Natusmi off.
"If your really bored, we can write in Keitaro or Y/n's Journal." Natsumi threw the idea out.
"Ew no." The purple haired boy disagreed.
"But look at all of the photos there are in Y/n's journal." The tall boy said. "Or the ones we took today?"
"I said tomorrow." I laid down on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Hey campers!" Scoutmaster Yoshi entered the tent.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screeched, scared as fuck. Yoshi looked over at me with a disapproving look. "I'm sorry, I got scared."
"I'll over look it this time." Yoshi giggled.
"Anyone up for a bit of night swimming?" Yoshi asked.
"Yes!" We all said. Everyone leaving one by one. Until it was just me and Natsumi left.
"Let's go Natusmi!" I smiled.
"Well...I guess we should get prepared." The navy haired male sighed.
"I should take my journal and Keitaro's camera!" I giggled. I started to search for my journal and Keitaro's camera, they weren't there. "Where did I put them?"
"Don't take them. Flashes can alert people, don't take things that aren't yours, because it's dark, you might loose your journal, you might get it wet." Natsumi replied, walking out of the tent, me following close behind.
"I can't wait!" I smiled.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, things do be spicing up in the next one. Stay safe, wear your masks keep a distance. Hope you enjoyed.
Word count: 1219

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