°Chapter 15°

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Before I get into this one I just wanted to say that I am ever so grateful for the readers that decided to take a chance on my book, I appreciate all of your constructive criticism and it makes me feel more confident as a writer. Currently I'm recovering from a surgery I had on my foot recently, this means that I can hopefully update you all on all of my books. Hope you enjoy! ⚠️Mentions of Suicidal thoughts⚠️

I ran out of the tent and felt the fresh Summer nights air, it was spectacular, Reminds me of my dad, when we used to go on midnight walks on the beach when we were on vacation, hearing the crickets and swooshing palm trees.
"You ok Y/n?" I turn my head and see Yoshinori.
"Yes, just reminds me of something." I giggled.
"Ok, jump in then, I've checked the tides and the weather before hand." He said.
"Guess you came prepared then." I smiled at him. "As per usual."
"I've really wanted to talk with you boys more." Yoshi put a hand behind his head. "In all honesty, you and your friends remind me of my experience as a scoutmaster. Since the sportsfest I've wanted to get more in contact with you guys, so thanks for that."
"It's honestly not a problem." I replied.
"You and Natsumi seem to be very close now, he's so much more relaxed around you guys, especially you Y/n." The Blonde Scoutmaster giggled.
"I-it's nothing." I stuttered as blush covered my ears.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Scoutmaster Yoshi put a hand on my shoulder.
"O-oh jeez." I covered my face.
"You look up to Natsumi, you want to be just like him, I understand that." Yoshi was clueless, I sighed in relief.
"Y-yes! Yes!" I exclaimed. "I do look up to Natsumi."
"Y/n, Natsumi has been working so hard trying to impress the scoutmasters, thanks to you, I don't think that's his top priority anymore, I thank you a lot." The brown eyed man thanked me. "You've helped me before with my worries and frustrations, now your helping your fellow campers. A model scout."
"I need to go find Natsumi now, thanks for the chat though." I looked at Yoshinori.

After I found Natsumi, I felt sorry for him, he was hiding behind our tent. I walked over to him and sat down with him.
"Hey, you still worried about being caught by one of the scoutmasters?" I looked at him.
"Yes.." He mumbled.
"That's why your hiding behind the tent." I giggled.
"You really can read my like a book Y/n." Natsumi smiled.
"Tell you what." I looked up at him and placed my hand onto his. "What are you thinking about? I'm listening."
"W-well, it's just- Why would Yoshinori break a few rules that Sir Goro set up?" Natsumi questioned.
"I understand what your saying." I smiled, "Scoutmaster Aiden just wants us to have fun, he also wants to show us that he can have fun too, like you came and relaxed with us instead of doing chores."
"I see..." The Navy haired male thought for a second.
"We all have our flaws, wether we choose to show them is our decision." I tightened my grip on Natsumi's hand. "Take me for example, I may seem cheery and amusing all of the time, but deep down I'm still trying to overcome the death of my dad, sometimes I feel so bad I wonder what it would be like to just end it all and go and be with him."
"No matter what, your always going to have me to talk to Y/n." Natsumi moved his hand so it was holding my hand. "I've had to readjust myself many times over this vacation, trying not to overthink every little thing and flaw, but my mind is just so set on making something so minor become something so major."
"And it's so frustrating, trying not to overthink in front of everyone. It's made me think about why I'm so strict with myself in the first place." He continued.
"You, and only you can answer that." I replied.
"Y/n..." Our faces were inches close to each other.
"Things take time, just because you don't have the answers right now, doesn't mean you won't find them in the future." I closed my eyes and smiled. "These feelings are normal, it's about discovering who you are."
"I don't know how you are able to put up with me." Natsumi sighed and let go of me and separated our faces.
"Don't you every say that, I listen to you because I love being with you, I'd never miss that moment." My eyes were pooling with happy tears. (Tbf I'm crying while writing this.)
"How about we savour this moment, write it down in my Jornal?" I asked, me and Natusmi both nodded. "Right I'll get it out!"

We wrote all of our adventures together on two pages, we had a lot to write, it felt amazing to be in the presence of such a hard working and caring person.
"There you guys are!" Yoshinori turned to us, "I was starting to worry you got lost."
"Oh! We were just enjoying talking to each other." I smiled.
"Well, night swimming's been cut short as it's getting colder. I don't want you all to get ill." The scoutmaster giggled.
"Right!" I replied.

After Yoshi left to go back to his tent, me and Natsumi got changed back into our night Attire, we were sitting in the tent together, Natsumi was quiet, very quiet, I think I left him with a lot to think about. Whatever you do  or are going to do, I promise I will be right by your side, I love you Natusmi, I have and I will forever and ever.

After the others came in, we all settled down to bed, I drifted into yet another deep deep slumber.

Thanks for reading this chapter, I know it's a bit shorter than Usual but I hope you don't mind, I'm still feeling a bit tired. Hope you enjoyed!
Word count: 1037

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