*Chapter 33*

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Hi! Sorry its late but I've just had My parents evening lol! Hope you enjoy!



It was early in the morning and I felt great! I didn't feel sick at all! I noticed that everyone else wasn't up yet, so I took it upon myself to go have a shower and get dressed. Once I had came out of my shower I grabbed my last remaining hairband to tie up my hair. As I started to tie it up I felt it snap. I gasped in shock as I looked at the broken band. I then heard a giggle from the other side of the room.

"I think you should worry more so about what your wearing at the moment." Yoichi giggled. "Or should  I say...Not wearing." 

"What-!" I then noticed the towel I had wrapped around my waist now in a circle of where it dropped off of me. "Ah. Lets not speak of this again please."

"Of course not, but remember this." Yoichi opened the door to the bathrooms. "If you ever want to try something a little different to what your used to. Give me a shout." 

"No thanks." I had just finished putting my outfit on at this point.

"Just saying." Yoichi then left into the bathrooms.

Later that morning, I had found out that the campaign to save the camp was in dire need of help, our acts as scouts only scraping the surface of the money we need to help the camp. It was a shame as well as I was only just adjusting to the friendliness of the scouts and the scoutmasters. I didn't want it to go, I feel like this place is now some sort of therapy for me. Aiden had also spoken to me about employing new staff for the Camp as most of them had quit after last years incident. I'm really intrigued to know what had happened last year. I wonder what had happened. Natsumi had asked me what took me so long and so I had to give the sad news and a brief explanation as to what was going on.

"Maybe you could be a scoutmaster! Hehe, I'll be having to call you Scoutmaster Natsumi within due time." I giggled.

"Its something I would be interested in. Yeah! I'll asked Scoutmaster Yoshinori about it." He said as we both ate our food. Suddenly we heard a voice.

"Hello fellow groupmates, we have run into a dilemma and we need your assistance." Lee popped out of no where. "And its good to see your phagocytes and your Lymphocytes are working as they should be."

"Thanks Lee." I replied.

Once we had entered Goro's office, with his permission, we heard a loud groan.

"Gahhhhh! I'm going to go insane and smash this stupid thing!" Seto Smacked his head on the desk. "Who even uses this version of computer anymore! Or this stupid dial up phone!" 

"Let me guess." I sighed. "The computer can't upload the video in high def and its going to take at least a week to upload." 

"Well, that's the blunt of it." Seto huffed. "I really want to off myself its so slow!" 

"What about an internet café. They usually have faster connections there." Natsumi stated.

"And we can set up our crowdfunding campaign there too." Lee smiled.

"Perfect idea." I looked outside the window and noticed Aiden and Hiro bringing out a fresh batch of cookies.

"I'll ask the scoutmasters if we can go!" Natsumi rushed out of the room, leaving me, Lee and Seto alone.

I wandered over to the computer where Lee was putting the flash drive in. Suddenly, the screen exploded with pictures of guys abs.

"Woah! Lee! I didn't expect this from you." I giggled.

"At some point I'm going to need to borrow that drive." Seto whispered.

"Hey! Leave me alone! Its not like you guys didn't not bring any porn here." Lee was going red with mortification. 

"At least I can hide it in the games I play." Seto smirked. "And where do you store your porn Y/n?" 

"Um..!" I was caught off guard.

"I bet he just imagines it." Lee typed on the computer.

"Nah he probably keeps pictures in his journal." Once again Seto said.

"I'll tell you as long as you swear to not tell anyone else." I said. I got two nods in response. "Natsumi."

"Woah! Natsumi carries porn with him? I wouldn't've expected that from him!" Seto exclaimed. 

"Not like that..." I sighed, embarrassed.

"No...You don't mean...surely not!" Lee looked over at me.

"I'm so lost." Seto asked. 

"You see...Natsumi and I... We kinda... y'know." I nudged him. 

"Oh! Now I see." The lost boy replied. "Do you love him?"

"Yes...I do love Natsumi... lots in fact." I smiled at them.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had fun writing it lol. Sorry I haven't been active either, its just a lot had been going on for me at the moment. Hope you enjoyed though.


-Word count: 813

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