°Chapter 2°

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Hey all. This chapter might be all over the place since I can't really find what they did after the prairie. So I will have to make some things up. But I think you guys will like it!


After waking up in the tent again we were all messed up again. This time I was at the other side of the tent. Stretched out like a pencil, lying across everyone. In that moment I felt a disturbance in the tent. Slowly but surely everyone was waking up. By this time I had rolled over and sitting up so that everybody could get up as well. I heard a groan coming from Yoichi and a knock at the tent from scoutmaster Aiden telling us to get up.

After packing up the tents and getting ready to leave.

After we had packed up and we were ready to leave. Yoshi exclaimed,
"Congratulations Scouts, You have made it through the first adventure. There will be lots more to come however!"
After that Aiden spoke up, "When we return to camp, you will be able to do what you want for the rest of the day as we set up for our next event which will happen in a few days time. This means that you will be able to explore the camp grounds to your heart's content. We'll talk about it more when we get back to camp."

We then started to walk back to camp. On the way Natsumi, Keitaro, Hiro and Hunter were talking about their families while me and Yoichi stayed in the back trying not to draw attention to ourselves, I kept quiet for the most part until,

"Y/n! What's your family like?" Hiro and Keitaro asked with curiosity.
"W..well my mom is very nice. She is a beautiful person, I love her so much." I smiled,
"Brothers? Sisters?" They continued, I was starting to feel uncomfortable and Yoichi noticed but kept quiet.
"Only child, actually." I replied.
"And what about your Dad?" Hiro jumped up and down.
"Hey! Can't you see he's uncomfortable?" Yoichi snapped, I was just walking ahead of the group not saying anything and just holding my elbows. I could hear Yoichi in the background saying something about being insensitive to Hiro. I felt Natsumi's hand on my shoulder, he gave me a look of sympathy and decided to walk with me for the rest of the way back to camp.

In the Camp Cabins.

I sat on my bed as Scoutmaster Yoshi explained what we could do for the day. I didn't really care about what he was saying. When I heard the door shut I sighed loudly,
"Aight then. Now that's over with, I am going to take a shower. I feel so sweaty after walking back."
"Great idea Y/n!" Natsumi exclaimed, "We can take a shower together. All of us!"
"W..well I was going to go alone but..." I mumbled.
"Hm?" Natsumi looked at me. I quickly shook my head and we all headed into the showers.

We all stripped down to nothing. All of the other guys dicks swinging in between their legs apart from two, mine and Keitaro. For that second we all were just talking to each other before lathering ourselves in soap to clean ourselves. I felt so awkward being next to all of these naked men. I was looking around until I layed my eyes on the tan guy that was standing right in front of me.
"Y/n your quit quiet aren't you." Hiro exclaimed, "so are you Keitaro."
"I'm not shy, just not used to showering with others around showering with me." I said trying not to loose my absolute shit. I was fucking embarrassed out of my mind.
After that we then sat down to wash ourselves. Starting on my hair I worked myself down to my crotch. I then washed away the soap pulling at my length. I guess it was a medium length but I don't really know what counts as 'big' 'small' or 'medium' since I don't really keep up with the subject even tho I radiate mega gay energy, as my friends say.
"Y/n?" Natsumi asked.
"Oh.. um hi.. Natsumi?" I said sweetly.
"Just checking you were ok!" He replied, " Thats all!"
As he stepped backward I could see his rather long dick in front of me, which made me stir in my seat.
After we had all cleaned up we stepped back into our cabin. Since this was technically an off day we didn't have to wear our uniforms. I wanted to change out of my pjs so that's what I did. I slid on my ring and changed into a white T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I wore my trainers and tied my hair up.

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