Seokjin looks up in anger at the massive beast towering over him. The dragon's head leans closer, sniffing him before huffing and baring its teeth.

"Leave my territory." It growls deeply.

Seokjin's eyes widen. The dragon talked... It just talked. And it was a deep threatening voice. A growl. This is a male dragon.

With three cubs...

"Kinda hard to do so when you hold me down." Seokjin snaps back.

The dragon growls deeply at him, sending shivers down Seokjin's spine.

"Take your buildings and leave. I do not want you on my territory." The dragon roars angrily.

Seokjin's brows furrow. "Your territory?! The moment we stepped foot it became ours! We rule that part! I will never give it up."

The dragon growls, looking at the cubs. One of them whimpers sadly. The other growl and roars at Seokjin, the last growls something towards the dragon.

With a deep exhale, the dragon looks at Seokjin. He smirks. "Your choice, human. If you won't leave, than allow me to share."

With that, he presses his claws into Seokjin's chest.

The human gasps and screams out in pain, feeling blood soak his shirt. These claws are sharp, digging deep into his body.

It hurts. Seokjin's body jolts, tears falling from his eyes at the ruthless pain.

The dragon slowly pulls his claws away.

"One more won't be a problem." He mutters to the little cubs. "Don't pay any attention to him. No matter how horrible he may be."

The cubs let out little noises of approval and squeak the dragon bye as he spreads his wings and dives back into the kingdom. The human can save itself.


The cubs squeak, talking to each other like little kids who need to go to bed but can't sleep.

But all that is suddenly over when they hear the human on the ground whining, whimpering, and a loud crack of the bone ripping through their ears.

It's horrifically loud, the little cubs moving to the complete other side of the nest.

They watch with terrifying eyes as the human's spine stretches, his nails growing into sharp claws, mouth and nose morphing into a snout.

The skin on his back bulges, a skeleton ripping the skin open. A strange glow is coming from his body, a deep growl escaping his lips.

Scales start to collect all over his skin, ripping his clothes in the growth of his body.

Seokjin feels his insides burn. The pain becoming unbearable. In the middle of the night, he failed to kill the dragon and failed his promise. He failed his brother.

He should have listened to him.


The dragon returns again in the morning, noticing the three cubs shaking against each other in their sleep.

On the grass, still with closed eyes, lays Seokjin. Only it's not him. His human body is gone.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now