Yoongi's POV Part 2

Start from the beginning

Tonight Jin and Min are planning on a small dinner to celebrate the release and they have invited all the members.  This will be our first time going to their apartment and I know Jin is excited to have us over. I am looking forward to having dinner with my brothers and celebrate this big accomplishment. I have to admit I have been feeling off ever since we found out our tour had been postponed and its hard to get excited about something. I always said I didn't want to be famous but now that I am an idol I miss performing in front of our fans and this pandemic has taken that away from me. I know I am not the only one feeling this way and I am glad I have my brothers that understand. Thats why I can't wait to see them today and have a nice dinner.

I have been in Jin's apartment only a few times, even thought he bought it in the same building as our dorm. The place is specious and now that Min lives here with him its starting to feel like a home. I think she put her foot down about all his pink stuff and has dialed the color down. The other member's are already here except for Joon and Ella who are always late when we meet. I wonder around the living room not knowing if I want to sit down or stand. My brain is going a thousand miles and hour and its not because the mixtape is doing bad. In reality it's doing better than my first one. Thats what makes me even more nervous.

"You want anything to drink Hyung?" Jimin asks looking at me and I shake my head in a yes. "Whats your poison today?" He continues and I watch him get up from the couch.

"I'll have a beer" I say not wanting to have the strong stuff.

"Is anyone else coming?" Tae asks when Min walks in bringing several beers in a tray.

"Yes my friend Hae" Min says smiling as she puts the tray on the coffee table and takes a seat next to Jin.

"How are you guys liking the place?" I ask taking one of the beers.

"I could live under a rock as long as Min is with me" Jin says smiling to his girl and it warms my heart to see my brother happy. We were roommates for years and sometimes I miss being able to see him everyday. I know I don't say it but I do love him and he will forever be my brother.

"Aww oppa" Min says looking at Jin and he does his famous flying kisses to her blushing cheeks. They do make a good couple and I don't know how we miss it for so many years. They did a great job hiding their blooming relationship and opposite from Namjoon and Ella they were able to hide it so well. I mean with Namjoon we all knew from the very beginning but Jin who seems like an open book really surprised us.

"Any one home?" We all hear from the door and Namjoon and Ella show up on the entry way.

"Hyung" Hobi says excited and we all walk over to say hello.

"I have a surprise for all of you" Ella says giving her last hug to Jimin.

"What is it" Jungkook ask in his perfect English and we all look at Ella.

"I brought you Churros"Ella says pulling out a box from her bag and we all look curiously. "I found them at a small marketplace here in Seoul. The owners are from Mexico and they make them fresh every morning" She explains as she opens the box to show us over 20 stuffed churros.

"Yummy" Hobi says followed by Tae.

"You spoil us" Jin says smiling.

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