"So how long do you think today will take you? I hear Hae ask from behind me and I don't turn to answer.

"I don't know usually around 10 hours why?" I say doing my best to calm my almost 18 month old.

"I wanted to know so I can order us some take out for dinner to celebrate your first day" She says  and I turn around defeated caring a shoeless Mia.

"Sure sounds good I will call you when I am heading home." I say looking at my friend. "Mia will you let auntie Hae put on your shoes. Mommy can't be late" I say and Mia shakes her head in a stubborn no.

"Come on Mia, come with auntie" Hae says holding out her hands to carry my daughter.

"NO, Mommy" Mia clings to my neck and I think she knows I am leaving her behind. I was hoping Hae would distract her while I made my exit but I think my little girl will give me a hard time. I smile at my friend and she smiles back probably thinking the same thing.

"I got a new Toy for you in my room" Hae says and knowing my daughter she is very interested. I watch as she look at Hae and a gummy smile starts to show on her face. She always kills me with that smile.

"Let's go with auntie" I say and this time she listens and opens her hands for Hae to hold her. I grab my backpack with my equipment and I follow them out of my bedroom. I watch as they both walk into Hae's room and I rush to the front door before Mia notices me. I send her a flying kiss knowing she won't see it but I certainly do need it. I will miss my baby girl but mommy needs to work hard to get her what she needs.

I am half way into my work shift and I have been shooting for most of the morning. The ballerina I am working with has been amazing and her beauty is unparalleled. Sun-Hee is a modern day Snow White, with pale milky skin and very dark hair that reaches her lower back. Her lips are plum red and I have to admit she looks good in every single picture I have taken. She has a ballerina body, very slim and shorter than I am but she moves with grace and she acts taller than she is. Before the shoot we had time to meet and get to know a few things about each other. I told her about Mia and she told me about her little brother thats just two years older than Mia. We got along so well that we planned for the kids to have a playdate. I am happy I made an extra friend in Seoul and I think she felt the same way. She told me she has only been in Korea for less than a year which I was surprised because her Korean is amazing. She explained her parents are both Korean but they moved to Paris when she was about 2 years old and she was raised there. Her parents only spoke to her in Korean and that's how she was able to not loose it. I realized we have a lot in common when she admitted she had no friends and I told her about Hae. We also made plans to meet when all this pandemic stuff is over and go out for drinks. I think we will all get along and I am excited to have a new possible friend now that Min has moved away.

We have moved to a new park and I am currently taking pictures of Sun-Hee while she does a second arabesque. Of course she looks stunning and she has been a champ staying still while I get the right shot. I hear my phone vibrate on my pocket and I try to work faster to be able to answer it before Sun-Hee gets tired. I finally get the shot after a few more pictures and I gesture for Sun-Hee to take a break.

"Hello" I say into the phone and I hear Mia babble in the background.

"Ara, I have a problem" I hear Hae say and the first thing that comes to mind is my daughter.

"What's wrong? Is the baby ok?" I say and my heart stops for a moment waiting for an answer. I knew leaving Mia behind was not a good idea. What if she fell? or she got sick?

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