Bonus Chapter

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The bang of the shutting door bounced off the stone walls as three immobile men shot each other known looks.

"She seems pissed." The one lazily slumped on the chair spoke quietly.

"You think?" The beefier one muttered.

The one standing right in the middle exhaled with difficulty pressing his palms against his temple.

"She wasn't lying you know," Aiden muttered. "They took good care of her when we couldn't."

"And I am eternally grateful for that," Dominic grumbled in response. "But I don't intend to stake her safety for it."

"She's been there for six years Dominic." Christian insisted his lips pulling into a thin line to express his disapproval. "You are being unreasonable."

"Am I now?" Dominic towered over Christian as he leaned his tall frame against the table. "Is prioritizing our sister's safety unreasonable? Those Nobles aren't to be trusted. Word must have already spread about Helen's return."

"They are too cowardly to touch her knowing that she's been found," Christian asserted boldly.

Dominic released a dark chuckle shaking his head as Aiden shot them both anxious looks knowing this wasn't heading in the right direction.

"Those Nobles aren't our friends Christian and they certainly don't have the conscience to hesitate to kill a little girl," Dominic said. "Don't forget that we weren't the only ones searching for our missing sister all these years."

"I am well aware of that," Christian responded his voice suddenly losing it's usual cool. "But Helen-"

"Needs to understand as you do." Dominic cut him off giving him a look that conveyed he was done talking about the subject. "Instead of acting like children."

"You two need to calm down," Aiden whispered trying to be the peacemaker for once.

"Well what did you expect?" Christian questioned in outrage ignoring his younger brother. "We just took her without any warning. It's only natural she's worried about her foster family and probably they are too."

Aiden tapped the surface of the table anxiously as the tension around his elder brothers only grew.

"Do you honestly think I'm that dumb?" Dominic questioned his eyes narrowing. "I've left a message for the parents. I know that we owe them an explanation at least."

"I never called you dumb Dom," Christian muttered annoyed. "All I'm saying is that maybe she could just see them on-"

"When I said no," Dominic's voice rose domineering and sharp. "I meant no Christian."

Aiden shook his head as Christian shot his eldest brother a scowl.

"As you wish." He mutters turning his face away in irritation.

Silence enveloped as neither spoke and Aiden hurried to fill the awkward and tense hush.

"About her lessons," He began his eyes shooting between them. "How are we going about it?"

Dominic continued maintaining the tensed silence before finally huffing.

"You will help her with her powers and physique since you're more experienced in that area, with the supervision of course," Dominic responds monotonously, seating himself. "While Christian will help her understand royal duties and how she's expected to behave."

"And what about you?" Aiden questioned as Christian continued to ignore their presence playing with the rim of his metal cup instead.

"I'll help her with theories," Dominic responded dryly.

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