Unwelcomed guests

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"Your mother makes the best food." Viola seemed content as we drove back home after dinner. "Makes me wish that we could stay there."

"I know." I smiled tiredly.

The sky rumbled as bolts of lightning flashed across the dark back clouds while raindrops as big as hailstones rapped against the car windshield.

"Boy who would have predicted such a storm with the pleasant weather this morning," Viola commented.

"That's what I was thinking." I agreed silently.

We had gotten a little too late while enjoying ourselves and had lost track of time and with our luck, the storm had already begun.

"Did you have a good time today?" Viola asked as she looked at me.

"I did," I responded my forehead creasing. "Why?"

"I don't know. You've been rather tensed this week." Viola shrugged as she took a left turn.

"I've had a tough week at work," I answered exhaling and rubbing my eyes as the sky thundered once again.

"I thought so." She said thoughtfully.

"Are we there yet?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Yup." Viola patted my back to keep me from falling asleep. "Don't fall asleep Sage. I'm not dragging you to your bed."

"Don't worry I won't." I chuckled my eyes rather droopy.

The car came to a halt and I turned over to unbuckle my seat.

"Thanks Viola." I yawned loudly as I grab my bag and squeeze her palm.

"Now get to your door without passing out," Viola muttered. "And hurry or you'll get drenched."

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes as I slid the bag strap over my arm. "You can go if you want."

"No, I'll stay until you're in." Viola shook her head as I slammed the car door shut and sprinted ahead opening and closing the gates in a hurry. I shivered when the cold wind hit my face as I ran.

I fished my keys out of the jeans and ducked under the cover of my roof. I drowsily struggled to force it through the lock hole for a minute or two before finally being able to turn the latch and open my door slowly.

Turning around and waving at Viola, I waited, leaning against the door as she drove off. Then yawning to myself I stepped inside removing my shoes and hanging my partially drenched coat.

The rumbling still hadn't ceased ensuring that the storm was going to continue all night long.

I sighed massaging my throat suddenly feeling rather thirsty. I made my way to the kitchen groggily, not bothering to turn on the lights.

I opened my refrigerator wincing slightly because of its bright light. Half-blind I searched for the orange juice that I had made and hadn't finished in the morning.

"It's on the right."

My hand instantly moved in the said direction.

Oh, yeah I forgot that I had kept it on the-!

My hand froze, clenching the bottle of orange juice with great force, my eyes widening in shock.

I swiveled around in place stumbling back over the kitchen counter, panic surging through my body.

The light from the open refrigerator scattered across the hall, it's dim light illuminating my huge recliner and the figure of a man who was comfortably seated on it.

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