The Power Of Manipulation

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"Try to make him move." 

I almost lost control over Dominic when I heard Aiden's voice. 

I sighed frustrated. 

As if this test wasn't troubling enough. 

Maybe I could make Dominic throw a candle stand at his head which I'm sure my eldest brother won't have an issue with, once he regains consciousness. 

I let out a grunt as I concentrated on Dominic's hand. 

My head started to feel heavy from pushing my limits. 

Dominic was quite good when it came to blocking my powers. 

It was difficult to maintain control over him. 

He kept trying to push me out. 

I tried to focus even harder.

Dominic's hand, very shakily might I add, grabbed the scroll on his right and very weakly lifted it up halfway. 

I was starting to struggle while breathing. 

I can't keep this going for long enough now. 

"For your last step..." Aiden's voice sounded very distant. 

Damn it. 

This is not good. 

"Make him stand up." 

I bit the insides of my cheeks. 

I could feel the strain on my physique. 

Even my vision was starting to blur.

Just a little more. 

Dominic's hands grabbed the arm of the chair for support gradually raising him up. 

That's when like a stretched rubber band my control over my brother retracted with an internal snap sending him slumping back into the chair. 

I hissed as a strong ache of pain hit my head making me lose control over my own body. 


I fell backwards my body feeling cold. 

I closed my eyes waiting for the stone tiles to hit my back but two hands appeared grabbing my semi-limp form. 

My devil form had already disappeared due to overexerting myself leaving me back to normal. 

"Breath properly." Aiden's voice said gently. 

I followed his instructions the feeling of disappointment creeping in. 

I couldn't complete the test. 

I bit my lips bitterly. 

I failed. 

"Easy Helen." 

I closed my eyes in anger ignoring Christian's concerned voice. 

I let everyone down. 

"Can you stand up on your own?" 

I stayed motionless for a second before mutely nodding. 

I could feel my legs again and with Aiden's help slumped down on the nearest chair in defeat. 


I flinched waiting for Aiden's snarky comment about my failure. 

Might as well get it over with.

"Good job Sage." 

I snapped my head up at his gentle tone. 

"What?" I found myself asking. 

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