The Inquiery Team

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I let out a deep breath as Emily finished braiding my hair.

"It's done, your majesty." She said with a small smile.

"Thank you, Emily."

I stood up pulling the sleeves of my coat back.

In all honesty, I wasn't doing very well.

"Your visitor is here, your highness," Merida announced appearing right on time by the door. "He's with your brothers down at the palace grounds."


Everything felt like it was on fast forward and my head was struggling to keep up.

"Your highness," Emily called stopping me as I was about to leave.

"Yes?" I questioned surprised.

I couldn't remember a time when Emily ever spoke to me unless necessary, always running away as soon as she was done with her work.

"This is just something I made to wish you luck." She extended her palms revealing a handkerchief like the one I had made Aiden.

"Oh," I mumbled touched by the gesture. "Thank you, Emily. I will cherish it."

I tucked it neatly into one of the pockets of my jacket as I shot her a fond smile despite my scattered nerves.

"Your highness please be careful." Emily requested grimly her plea sounding anxious. "The groves are dangerous."

"I know that." I smiled kindly. "I will be as careful as I can be."

"Yes," She whispered despite not looking assured in the least.

"Don't worry too much." I nodded toward her. "I'll be taking my leave now."


I stopped in my tracks turning back.

This was turning out to be an eventful farewell.

"What is it?" I asked when the maiden paused.

"I wish that her majesty wouldn't participate in these political schemes," Emily said hesitantly her face slightly pale.

I raised my brow surprised and I was pretty sure Merida, who was standing behind me, had the same reaction.


"Her Majesty is a good person," Emily whispered slightly shaking since she was not used to voicing her thoughts in front of me. "I don't want the princess to be dragged into these conflicts over the throne and get hurt."

I on the other hand had a hard time believing that the shy handmaiden I was so used to would actually speak up like this without running away.

"I see." I stuttered not sure what to make of this surprise. "I won't make any promises but I will try to stay out of harm's way."

Emily simply nodded this time going back to her mute usual self.

"Your highness," Merida called out unsure. "We really should get going."

"Right." I shook my head snapping out of my surprise. "Take care of yourself, Emily."

"Please return safely, your highness." Emily's sincere voice almost seemed coated with fear as she bowed down low.

I suppose it was only natural since I was up against a dragon.

"I will." I shot her one last smile before walking away with Merida.

"Now that's not something you see every day." My bodyguard commented.

"Tell me about it," I muttered as we made our way to the palace ground where everyone was waiting.

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