Getting dressed

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"We will do our best to serve you, your highness!" Twelve ladies counting Emily who had been tasked with getting me ready for the debut, bowed before me as I smiled weakly.

"Then I will be in your care," I said trying my best to keep calm.

"I will be waiting outside." Merida grinned knowing just how much I detested getting ready.

"Save me," I whispered in the lowest of voices so that no one heard me.

"No can do." Merida winked as she slipped out of the door.

I groaned to myself.

Sometimes Merida truly reminded me of Viola.

"Come this way, Princess Helen." The head handmaiden said as she gestured to the bathroom door.

Somebody get me out of here.

The handmaidens first stripped me into my undergarments and I felt rather exposed but unfortunately, that's how things are done in royalty and thus I simply gave in.

I was first scrubbed from head to toe with an ointment that had a grainy texture and smelled amazing, next my face was covered in three different types of balms each being left on my skin for fifteen minutes, something I could only perceive as facemasks. Next came the oils scented with floral aromas that filled the entire expanse making it smell more like a garden than a bathing room.

While the other half of the handmaidens were busy with my face, the remaining ones polished my nails.

After that, they washed my hair gently with some kind of luscious white liquid that softened my hair and made it look rather shiny.

Then after drying me I was finally released from what felt like hours of torture.

Stepping outside I found Penelope waiting alongside Merida.

"My my, your highness, you are simply glowing." She clapped her hands with a big smile and Merida nodded in approval. "I can't wait to see just how pretty you will look in the dress."

"Dress?" I muttered confused. "What dress?"

Wasn't I supposed to wear one of the many gowns I already had?

"Why the one his highnesses ordered of course."

"My brothers ordered a dress for me?!" I asked with wide eyes.

When did this happen?

Penelope nodded cheerfully.

"But I thought-"

"Now come along." Penelope grabbed my hand and hauled me away. "We have so much to do."

Despite my protests, Penelope had me close my eyes the entire time she dressed me in the "special gown" that my brother's had ordered without my knowledge.

"Can I open them now?" I grumbled feeling rather testy.

"You may."

Shaking my head I lifted my lids to find a mirror right before me.

When I say I gasped loudly I mean it.

I blinked as my eyes marvelled at the masterpiece before me.

"It's beautiful," I whispered in awe.

It was a long black dress that hung close to my figure complimenting my curves in a subtle yet evident manner. With a deep V-neckline followed by a gleaming golden design, the dress was elegant as it was sexy. The sleeves however were my most favourite fraction of it. Unlike common gown sleeves that stick like a glove to your hands, these sleeves drew backwards into cuts, revealing my slender arms and stretching down to the ground.

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