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I looked at my friend intently after I had finished narrating the story of my present messed up life.

"Helen..." She frowned as she said my devil name. "This doesn't sit well with my tongue."

"It didn't sit well with my head either," I grumbled in annoyance. "But Dominic insisted I be called by that name."

"Dominic huh? The bossy one." She muttered thoughtfully as she folded her arms. "And that outside is Christian? Who is the most bearable one?"

I nodded.

"Who is the third brother again?" She asked as she furrowed her brows trying to recall the name.

"Aiden," I replied with a roll of eyes.

"The troublemaker." Viola nodded piecing together my family.

"He may be a pain in the butt at times but he can be...tolerable." I forced out reluctantly.

Viola suddenly smiled slyly.

"What?" I asked with a raised brow.

"What?" She repeated innocently shrugging with the smile still in place.

"You're making that face." I narrowed my eyes.

"What face?" She continued playing dumb until my patience snapped.

"Viola." I hissed conveying my lack of forbearance for her games and she finally gave in.

"You are fond of them."

I blinked a certain amount of times at my friend unable to believe the words that had just tumbled out of her mouth.

"Are you crazy?!" I shrieked when she kept smiling. "Have you not been listening to what I said? I am not fond of them or my identity or anything."

"Oh really?" She smirked her eyes twinkling. "So you wouldn't mind leaving them forever and coming back here?"

I rolled my eyes, "Dominic would never allow it."

Viola contemplated a moment before saying something further.

 "Then would you mind if I launch a knife at one of them for taking you away?"

I scoffed.

"They would easily evade it-" I began but Viola cut me off again.

"What if they suddenly disappear?" Viola throws another ridiculous situation at me.

I press my lips together.

"I doubt that would happen," I said even though I could feel my confidence ebb away.

"What if someone as powerful as them, injures them?"

I paused feeling a strange force press against my chest at the thought of seeing them hurt before shaking my head to snap out of it.

This is stupid.

"They would be fin-" I reply trying to keep my tone from wavering before Viola interrupts me yet again, her smile widening as she drops the final successfully destroying my resolution to keep a straight face.

"What if a Noble kills one of them?"

My insides freeze as a distinct image of one of my brothers lying in a pool of blood floats over my conscience.

"I-" I took in a sharp breath.

"What if-"

"Alright! Alright!" I snap not wishing to hear any further. "You made your point."

The Pains Of Being A RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now