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I played with my hands feeling the coldness more than ever as I sat facing my three brothers.

Aiden was busy smirking at me from the other end of the table, while Christian smiled charmingly and Dominic was the only one who simply stared at me with a void face.

"How are you feeling Helen?"

I paused for a moment still unhappy about the fact that I wasn't being called by my other name but didn't comment about it.

"A bit overwhelmed, to be honest," I answered not looking up at them.

"And why is that?" Dominic asked as he shifted in his seat.

"Well, it's not everyday your life just turns upside down now does it?" I whispered looking him in the eye. "Everything I believed in just changed into something I know nothing about. Devils, demons...Royalty. "

"And that's exactly what we're going to help you with little sis." Christian yawned loudly as he straightened up.

I shot them a confused look, briefly assessing their faces to understand the meaning behind his words.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" I whispered my eyes darting to their faces anxiously.

Now what are they up to?

"By teaching you of course." Aiden propped his face upon his hands.


Them? Teaching me?

God save me.

"That's right." Dominic exhaled leaning back in his chair as he picked up his goblet filled with what looked like wine. "We're going to teach you. All of us."

My lips parted as I tried to make sense of what's to come which in my head only formed one single word.


"You can't teach me!" I argued pathetically knowing that this only weakened my chances of going home.

"And why not?" Dominic rose his brow sternly compelling me to shut my mouth instantly as Aiden and Christian chuckled in response.

"I-" I struggled to try and find a point against him but failed miserably. "Because I won't be able to learn."

Dominic scoffed and the other two of my brothers shot me equally loaded looks of amusement at which I turned red.

Way to go you moron.

"Won't be able to learn or don't want to?" Dominic demanded his voice turning stern enough to send a shiver down my spine.

I looked down unable to come up with a response but mostly because I didn't want to embarrass myself further by trying.

"That's what I thought." Dominic said and I winced. "You seem to be under the impression that you still have some chances to go back home."

I swallowed feeling like a child caught stealing candy and didn't dare look up.

"Then let me make it very clear to you right this instant." I closed my eyes preparing myself for the blow.

"You aren't going back." Dominic's tone came out firm and brutal. "And that is final."

And there it was. The bitter truth I wasn't ready to accept.

"Because whether you like it or not this is your home." I looked back up as Dominic's stern glare turned comparatively soft. "And we are your family. This is where you belong."

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