The Relationship

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I snapped out of my shock and turned to see Christian looking at me with concern.

"I-" pausing I looked from my brothers back to Kai who had a brow raised in suspicion.

I bit the insides of my cheeks as a million questions arose in my head but I knew better than to ask in the present company so instead, I collected my composure reluctantly.

"What was that for?" Aiden asked from beside.

"It's nothing," I said shaking my head.

"Are you sure?" Christian asked his frown creating ripples across his forehead.

No one in the room looked convinced in the least but I simply nodded putting up my best fake smile.

I had several questions to ask.

Just not yet.

"How was your hunt?" I asked Dominic trying to take the attention off me.

It wasn't just about changing the topic but also because I had been genuinely bothered about where my brother has been for so long. Especially since it was indirectly related to me.

Quickly sweeping my eyes over his entire figure I exhaled with relief finding no bodily harm.

However, my relief came to an abrupt halt as Dominic's expression instantly turned grim.

"Let's not talk about that." He said shortly and I frowned.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked.

"Helen go back to your room." My eldest brother ordered turning to me and I scowled fiercely.

Not happening.

"Absolutely not." I hissed immediately, knowing that no one would tell me if I left. "I want to know."

"I wasn't asking," Dominic said harshly but I didn't plan on backing down anytime soon.

"And I am informing," I said evenly, much to my brother's disapproval. "You always keep me in the dark Dominic. This concerns me as much as it concerns you and I have every right to sit right here and listen just like everybody else in this room."

When my brother opened his mouth to oppose I firmly put in,

"I'm. Not. Leaving."

Aiden chuckled quietly at my behaviour while Christian looked torn between amusement and objection. Kai didn't say a word but he appeared to be impressed with my resolution.

"You're acting like a child." Dominic chided with annoyance.

"If I have to throw a tantrum like a child to have a say in this family." I began challenging my brother's glare with one of my own. "So be it."

Dominic looked at me his anger morphing into tiredness.

He didn't look like he was in the mood to argue and neither was I.

"Please?" I added quietly.

"Just give in Dominic." Aiden surprisingly took my side. "She's not a two year old."

I gave him a grateful smile which he didn't respond to but I didn't care.

I knew Aiden would never really show me much affection and no matter how close we get, he will always be the annoying ass that he is.

"Fine." Dominic sighed pressing his temple as he removed his coat. "We have a problem."

"Really?" Aiden snorted. "I never would have guessed."

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