Bonus Chapter

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Villan Edition:

"I remember you quite confidently assuring me that the princess would not be a problem."

Barathon gnashed his teeth together with bitterness.

Yes, he had said that and now his words had come back for his neck.

The Noble balled his fists together in anger.

How did the good-for-nothing Princess with no formal training manage to avoid their trap?

"Well, Barathon?" The voice asked impatiently from the darkest corner of the room.

The demon winced slightly at the chilly voice that seemed to freeze his insides.

"It seems we had miscalculated our steps Commander." He answered bitterly. "The princess. She had help."

"And just who did she have help from?" The voice demanded.

"The young crown mage of Rostaire," Barathon said. "We had set the location of the revolt in Rostaire to prevent anyone from leaving but Duke Walder's son still managed to reach the palace."

"And what should I do about it?" The commander questioned. "I want results Barathon, not excuses."

"But Comman-"

"The Princess may be young but she isn't a fool and yet you continue to act ignorant. Have you no will to live anymore Barathon?"

The Noble bit his tongue in contempt having no response.

The Princess had been a bigger thorn at his side than he had determined.

Everything should have gone smoothly according to the plan. The King had been targeted and the rebellion had been sparked to topple down the administration of the kingdom.

They had targetted the merchants since their majority dwelled in the capital. Rostaire was attacked to keep the mages from interfering.

And yet the unrest created using the merchants died down as soon as it had begun.

What's worse was that the royal princess had gained popularity among the common dwellers.

Just how did a clueless kid manage to do so much with the king so powerless?

"So the princess managed to resolve the unrest and the Second prince who appeared to be missing is back with the cure for the King who also seems to be back on his feet." The commander summarised, the voice turning colder with each word.

"I'm afraid so." Barathon swallowed.

"The youngest boy should be on his way home since the rebellion got subdued. Not that it matters since the rebellion was just a distraction but that brat suppressed it sooner than expected. Doesn't he usually enjoy prolonging fights?"

"That is his normal behaviour." Baratheon acknowledged. "However he seemed to be in a bit of a hurry. Rumours are flowing about that it's because of the Princess."

"Oh?" The cold voice turned alarmingly amused. "Do elaborate."

Barathon hesitated a moment before he continued.

"They say the Youngest Prince wishes to get back to the castle because of the Princess. He's been more restless and rash than usual. They say the princess is dearly cherished by the devils."

"So those brats have turned soft after all." The voice mused in zeal. "How cute."

"So it is said."

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