“He got caught up with some stuff with his father so he asked me to take you home,” Alex said, looking into Summer’s eyes daringly, saying nothing but the truth…or that’s what Summer thought.

  “Oh,” Summer looked down, “Now?”

  “Yes, now,” Alex chuckled. She was too cute. “My car’s right out front.”
  “Oh,” Summer nodded and spared a glance at the house…she was supposed to find her friends…

  “Summer,” Alex stepped closer and gave her an encouraging smile, “relax, I am not a serial killer. Let’s get you back home.”

  Summer managed a laugh and sighed in defeat, “Okay, let’s go then.”

As Alex guided Summer threw the side garden to the front where all the luxurious cars were parked, he couldn’t help but think: Summer was too naïve. He had to hide a smile as he threw her a glance, where he found her deep in thought, holding her dress slightly, following him closely. And being naïve can be your downfall.


Jake tapped his foot and drummed his fingers against the sofa as he waited for Summer in the living room of the Dawson Mansion. He checked his Swiss made watch. It was already a little over midnight. Where was she? Rounding the garden would’ve took mere seconds.

Suddenly a little worriedness grew inside of him. He got to his feet and paraded the garden, searching frantically for a familiar ombre haired beauty wearing a red slit dress. No. He couldn’t find her. The crowd had greatly decreased and most of the people were assigned cleaners, picking up empty champagne flutes or used plates.

After parties would’ve started by now; in fact, Jake himself had been invited to about half a dozen of them. But he decided he was going to neither. He was going to escort Summer home and maybe spend some time with her, if she allowed.

But first he couldn’t even find her. Where could she have been? His best friends were also missing. What was happening? He whipped out his smartphone and immediately tried Summer and their best friends…which none of them answered.

Jake ran his hand threw his hair, frustrated. He ran towards to front area where a few well-dressed guests were lingering by the main door. Without a second thought, he marched over to them.

  “Excuse me,” He started, as politely as he could, “Have you seen a brunette, pretty, wearing a sleeveless red dress?”

  Two out of three of the guests there shook their heads. But a petite looking redhead scrunched her eyebrows as though calling back a memory. “Was the dress perhaps a long dress?”

  Jake felt a spark of hope emerge and he felt some fresh air in his lungs, “Yes, have you seen her?”

  She stuttered, “I…I think I saw her leaving with a man.”

  Jake felt his hope crash down the pit of his stomach and felt himself unable to speak, “O-Oh, um, thank you.”

With that he left their presence and trudged over to his silver Porsche parked at the VIP section. With…with another man? But Summer was with him! They had declared their love for each other not more than 24 hours ago and she’s run off with another man?

No. Summer wasn’t drunk. She was smarter than this. But at least now he knew that she had left. No, no, no. Jake refused to believe it. The redhead could be wrong. After all, there were lots of people leaving, she could be mistaken.

So Jake went to where he thought he would find her first. He went to her apartment. It didn’t take him long to reach her area; after all he was speeding above 100mph. He parked right in the front of her apartment, not even bothering to properly park it, and hurriedly rushed in the apartment, pressing frantically at the lift button and rushing in at the lift’s first sign of opening.

As the lift rose, Jake tapped his foot against the lift floor, unable to hide his worry and possibly…fear? Summer couldn’t be kidnapped. There was a possibility…supposing she’s all over tabloids now, but no. Jake couldn’t bring himself to think of Summer being kidnapped…nor leaving with another man. It made him cringe.

The elevator dinged opened at Summer’s floor and Jake pushed his way out, but robotically saying sorry. He walked, no, more like ran, to Summer’s apartment door and the second he reached her door, he stuffed his hand into his pocket in search of his wallet where he tucked Summer’s house keys in. Why did he have her house keys? Well…they had each other’s just in case.

He managed to find the small copper key and slot it in the keyhole of the hard wood door. It fitted perfectly and he twisted it, only stopping when he heard the satisfactory click. He quickly pulled the handle down and barged in the apartment, his eyes adjusting to the sudden change of light. His eyes scanned the room and finally his eyes landed on his desired item…and someone else.

There was Summer in the middle of the living room with none other than his half-brother Alex…lip locked in each other’s embrace. They pulled apart when they noticed Jake’s brash entrance.

But by the time Summer could register what was happening, Jake was gone.



Hehe hey guys! Yeah yeah I know, early update! :)

well as you all know, it's 12/12/12 and my holidays just started so I managed to write ahead of schedule :D I had originally wanted to place this in two parts but oh well! if I halved it, it would've been too short for my standards of a chapter :p

So yeah, COMMENT please!

Julia :)

Summer Falls in Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن