Chapter 48

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Lauren's P.O.V

How many times am I going to end up in a court room this year? I don't know how Mani can do this day in and day out, she's a fucking Saint. I really hope this is the last time I step foot in a court room for the rest of my life. I sigh to myself and look at Normani sitting beside me. They let us inside the room but the Judge hasn't shown up yet. Now we're sitting at a table with a mic sat in the middle. Camila is sitting maybe 20 feet away from me and as much as I want to strangle this bitch, I will not go back to jail. I look over to Aiden who channeling one of the most fierce Jauregui glares I've ever encountered and aiming it directly at Lindsey. Normani puts her hand over his but he doesn't break his stare. Camila doesn't even look like she cares, which is probably just pissing him off even more. I hear a door open and a older, small Hispanic woman makes her way to the bench then gets seated.

"Hello everyone. I'm Judge Mendoza. I see here that we're here to settle a custody dispute?" She says as she reads from a paper she picked up.

"Yes your honor. My client is requesting joint custody of her son." The Judge nods her head then sits the paper down.

"Aiden Jauregui?" She says and Aiden gives her his attention.

"I presume that would be you?" She asks.

"Yes your honor." He responds.

"Hang tight, I'll come back to you." She says then pauses.

"So, Mrs. Lauren Jauregui may I ask why you don't see it fit to have your son in the custody of Ms. Cabello?" The judge asks. Mani told me this would mostly be a conversation between us and the lawyers are there honestly just to keep the peace as much as they can and provide some other service but I'm still not sure my emotions won't get the better of me. I take a deep breath before responding.

"Honestly, this isn't your average custody tale. When Aiden was 4, Camila left him outside my apartment with a few pairs of clothes and a birth certificate. Until then, I didn't know he existed but after finding out, I obviously raised him. I couldn't find Camila and until earlier this year, we had no idea that she was even still alive. Camila showed up at our doorstep and asked to see Aiden. After talking to my wife, we told him and he wanted a relationship so we let them explore that. My wife befriended her, I tried to befriend her. We let her into our home, into our other children's lives and then she caused conflict in our household which lead to Aiden not wanting to speak to her again. So, I didn't push him to do so." I tell her.

"She's lying." Camila says from her seat.

"I'll get to you in a minute Ms. Cabello. Until then, let Mrs. Jauregui continue." Camila stops talking but I can see her turning red.

"What kind of conflict did she create?" The Judge asks me.

"She tried to..." I trail off as I look at Aiden. I doubt he wants to hear this. I take a breath and collect myself.

"She tried to seduce me and when I rejected her, because I'm married, she lied about what happened and caused issues between my wife and I. Aiden found out about it and wasn't happy about it." Judge Mendoza nods her head.

"Mr. Jauregui, is what your mother saying the truth?" Aiden nods his head.

"Yes, I heard my parents talking about what Camila had done and I told her I didn't want to talk to her any more. I didn't like that she was trying to tear my family apart." He says and the judge nods.

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