Chapter 44

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Lauren's P.O.V

Well...I guess I was wrong. I hate being wrong but I really fucked this one up. There were just so many can she not be...

"Can I have my wine back now?" Normani says from her spot across from me in the kitchen.

It all started when Normani finished cooking. She went to grab the bottle of wine and I took it from her. If she's pregnant I can't have her hurting my kid and she's too stubborn to just listen to me. Long story short, after dinner I went to the store to get a pregnancy test. Turns out she was right. She isn't pregnant. I roll my eyes at her but nod my head. Mani then makes her way over to the counter and pours herself a glass.

"Want some?" She asks me. I shake my head and sit in a chair. Is it bad that I was kind of looking forward to having another kid? I mean yes unexpected but I love being a mom. I wouldn't have mind having another kid.

"Why do you look like someone just told you your mother died?" Normani asks between her sips. I shrug my shoulder and look up at her.

"Guess I'm kind of...disappointed..." I tell her. Mani puts her glass down and walks over to me.

"You want to have another child? I thought we decided we weren't having any more?" I sigh and shrug then I feel her hand on my shoulder.

"I know but the thought was nice I guess. I'm not saying I want to try for another kid but...I guess I got use to the idea of going through another pregnancy and having another one these little demons running around." I tell her. Mani smiles at me softly then kisses my forehead.

"I know what you mean. I think the last thing we need right now is a baby. We have enough on our plates." She says and I nod. She's right but that doesn't mean I'm not sad about it. Well, I wouldn't say sad. Just disappointed.

"You're right. I'm okay." I tell her. Mani pulls me into a hug from the side and I lie my head on her breasts. I didn't think I'd be this upset about her not being pregnant. I guess it just wasn't supposed to happen. Mani's symptoms probably came from stress then.

"I want you to go to the doctor." I tell her.

"Why?" She asks.

"Everything that's been happening with your body. If you're not pregnant then what's going on?"

"Probably just stressed but I'll go if it'll make you more comfortable." Mani says and I shake my head.

"Come on. Let's shower and get ready for bed. We have an early day tomorrow." She says. I nod my head and stand from my seat.

We go upstairs and I let Mani shower. I'm lying in the bed waiting for her to finish and I can't stop thinking about what tomorrow is going to bring. Now it's Normani's turn to go to court and deal with this pathetic excuse for a human being. I asked Mani how she felt about it earlier today but I left her alone after that. I know she's nervous and scared but I also know she won't want to continuing talking about it. Normani can't go back to work until the trial is over now. I can't remember the details of it but her boss called last week and told her. I just want my life to go back to normal. Who am I kidding? My life will never go back to normal. I still have to deal with Camilaand all her bullshit. What the hell is wrong with that woman? Like I'd seriously keep Aiden from talking to her. Aiden is old enough to make his own decisions and if she has an issue with it, that's something she should take up with him. I'm not going to fight in court about this.

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