4.6 - Destructive Attatchments

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Part 4
Chapter 6


Chrollo knows Machi is weak.

Her heart is flawed. She feels too much for others. It is something he will have to work on with her to make her stronger. Reducing her empathy will not only benefit the Troupe as a whole, but help her get ahead in her personal endeavors.

Chrollo pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. Him and the Troupe are packed into a single black jet, preparing to leave for Faith.

Machi is missing out on their mission, just so she can sumberge herself once again in the life of (Y/N) and their Zoldyck companion. Hasn't Machi had enough of them? Chrollo is bored of their drama and he isn't even involved.

Shalnark and Shizuku begin chatting about something, and Chrollo lets himself eavesdrop. It is a nice distraction. But, still, (Y/N)'s face remains imprinted in his eyes like someone had flashed his pupils with a bright light.

Who are they, and what about them is stirring up so much within Machi Komacine?


Illumi walks with elegant, wide steps, the pace of each one matching with the previous.

Killua. Killua. Killua. Find him. Make sure he is okay.

Illumi cannot think of anything or anyone else. An instinct deep within him says that danger is nearby. Perhaps it is not directed at Killua, but it needs to be taken care of nonetheless.

Gotoh is leaving the wine cellar as Illumi is striding through the hallway. As Illumi passes him, they catch each other's eyes. Illumi stops in his tracks. Perhaps Gotoh can give him some insight on the situation.

There is a moment of silence as the two solemn figures size each other up. The odd silence is broken as Illumi demands an answer to a flatly spoken question: "Where is Killua."

"I am not sure. I asked Master Silva, but he could not give me a response."

"Then, where is my father?"

"The first lounge," Gotoh says, reluctantly. Illumi can see the irritation glistening in his eyes. (Why does Illumi get to be curious about all of this, but not me?) "The fire is lit. You will see it from beneath the door."

Without a word of thanks, Illumi turns and begins walking away, but Gotoh stops him.

"Hang on, Master Illumi."

"I am busy. You do not have any right to order me around, let alone ask for my presence to remain so you can bother me."

"I apologize, Master Illumi. I have a simple question to ask you." Gotoh wants to talk with firmness in his voice, but he cannot. This is Master Illumi he is talking to. "It is about Machi Komacine."

Illumi finally pauses. Since Gotoh answered his questions, it is only fair that Illumi answers the butler's as well. Although, finding out Killua's location is top priority, so this must be made quick. "What is your question?"

"I actually have two, sir. Again, I apologize." Gotoh bows slightly, then asks, "Who is Machi? She called the house phone only moments ago, asking for Killua. Do you know what she wanted to talk to Killua about?"

Illumi crosses his arms. "She is a member of the Phantom Troupe and an associate of Hisoka's, whom is one of our guests. After calling the estate, Machi called Hisoka on his personal phone, and told Hisoka of Killua's absence. That is why I am currently looking for my little brother. Still, I do not know what she wants with Killua. Hisoka either left that detail absent when he was talking to me, or Machi did not inform him."

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