F.1 - Iridescent

352 12 2

Part 1


After a while, Hisoka makes a sharp left.

The sudden turn takes him in the actual direction of Chrollo's aura, which he had not been going towards previously, to sway you off his trail.

Hisoka does not know if your aura reading ability is good enough to detect Chrollo's aura from the distance that you were at when you killed Machi. He is banking on the idea that you can't detect it, simply because he doesn't want you tracking the fight and making a fatal mistake.

If you go and get yourself killed, Hisoka will have nothing. And by nothing, he means no fun. After this little showdown, you will be his only form of entertainment until he finds something else.

That, plus the fact that he simply does not want you to die. He has formed an attachment around you, one similar to love, but not quite the same. Or perhaps it is the same. He isn't sure. He would rather not think about it at the moment.

With Hisoka's long, muscular legs and stamina of a deer, it doesn't take the man very long to reach Chrollo and Illumi's location. They are standing across from each other, neither one moving as Hisoka thought they would be. Perhaps they're verbally hashing it out? No, both of them are too calm for an argument. Hisoka slows his pace and stops just inside Chrollo's eyeshot. Of course, they probably detected his aura long ago, since Hisoka was doing nothing to contain it, but now they can actually see him.

However, Hisoka says nor does anything to catch their attention.

Chrollo glances at Hisoka, almost furtively.

Hisoka can see the mark of a moon on Chrollo's hand. From studying Chrollo's powers a while ago, back when Hisoka longed to fight the man, he vaguely remembers what the symbol could mean, but he might be wrong. Hisoka thinks of the power of explosion.

Then, Hisoka sees the mark on Illumi's cheek. A sun.

"Have you come to witness the final blow?" Chrollo asks.

Hisoka crosses his arms. "Have I?"

Chrollo smiles gently. "I suppose you have." He then turns back to face Illumi, his smile fading.

Hisoka's heart does an unexpected jump. Nonetheless, he does not move an inch.

Chrollo takes a few steps towards Illumi, then stops once they are an arm's reach apart.

"Any final words?"

Illumi whispers something, but Hisoka can not hear it.

Then, Chrollo places his hand gently on Illumi's cheek, forming contact between the two symbols.

Nothing happens for a moment.

Then, Chrollo draws his hand away, and a massive explosion erupts.


The sudden wind catches you by surprise.

From the direction you're walking in, a hot gust tears through the trees, biting at your exposed skin. You wince and hold your arms up in front of your face to protect your eyes. A twig from somewhere on the ground flies through the air and catches the skin on your arm, scratching it.

What is going on over there? Is Chrollo fighting with bombs? Perhaps you should hurry up and assess the situation. Or maybe this is another sign that you should hang back. Despite these thoughts running through your head, you pick up your pace, hoping to reach the fight before anything terrible happens.

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