3.6 - A Baffling Amount of Zeros

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Part 3
Chapter 6


Hisoka's phone chimes.

One crimson eyebrow rises curiously, pulling the edge of a smirk up with it. Who could that be, texting him at this hour?

He picks up his phone, long, sharp fingers curling around the metal like snakes. The blue light glares into yellow eyes, which widen as they read the contents of the text. 

A child? Who knew Illumi could stoop so low.

Hisoka stands up, pocketing his phone. He has two more texts to send, but he will send them later, at precisely the correct times. His smirk widens; now is the time for action, and it excites him to unimaginable levels.


You don't know what to say.

Not only does having a child mean committing to the Zoldyck family and, in turn, Illumi. But it also means that you will have to take up the responsibility of a parent. Is that something you can handle?

Illumi seems to sense that you are thinking. He draws his hand away, which gives you a quick sense of abandonment, and you hope that his hand will be near you again soon.

Suddenly, Illumi's phone chimes. You wait quietly while he checks it, practically twiddling your thumbs. How are you just supposed to relax after he gave you an idea like that?

"I'll give you the night to think about it. I know it is a big proposition."

"Are you leaving again?"

"Yes. I have a meeting. I will be back shortly, I believe."

"A meeting with who?" You are curious, since Illumi did not mention this earlier. Could the text he just got have been a reminder?


Your eyes widen, displaying your shock before you can attempt to contain it. Why..? What could Hisoka want to meet with Illumi about? Your heart pounds; the garden. Hisoka kissed you, then left, heading for Yorknew with nothing better to do. Hadn't that only been a night ago? Wasn't Hisoka bored of you?

Illumi glances at you. "I thought I taught you how to hide your emotions," he chides. "Your heart rate has risen considerably, and you look like I've just stabbed you." One of his eyebrows twitches upward, shadowing his already dark eyes. "What is bothering you?"

"Well... I just..."

Fuck. Fuck! Say something!

You clear your throat. "Hearing his name makes me nervous," you say, quite shyly. Hopefully, Illumi doesn't read into it, notice that it is a lie and try to dig deeper.

Illumi's glance turns into a glare, and you feel your every muscle tensing up, freezing in place. The walls seem to fall apart.

"You are not lying, but you're not telling the truth." His head tilts. "Do you take me for a fool, after all these years?"

"No, no! I... I just... don't know what else to say."

Illumi closes his eyes, sighs, and looks away.

"The truth would have sufficed."

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