2.8 - The Prologue of Failure

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Part 2
Chapter 8


A portion of the night seems to reflect off of his pale skin while the latter portion sinks deep into his bones. The air is cold, slicing at his lungs with every breath, stinging his eyes.

Illumi runs gracefully with your body cradled in his arms. Your head swings with his every step, your eyes half-lidded in a dreamy state of sleep. He does not look down at you, but instead stays trained on his objective ahead. He is bringing you to his house. The Zoldyck house.

Why? Why is he doing all of this?

Killing you would have removed so many problems. He would no longer have this aching desire to hear your voice float through his head. He would no longer have to face his father's disappointment. He would no longer have a barrier between him and Hisoka. Not that he cares much for Hisoka; their relationship is give-and-take, nothing special.

Back to the thoughts at hand. Why did he spare you? Why does he cherish your existence?

There will surely be much trouble to face when he gets home; he is bringing the body of the person that has turned him into an actual human being, after all.

It would have been a faster trip if he took the train, but it would be odd to see a creepy-looking man carrying a limp person in his arms. People would surely get suspicious, and that might result in multiple civilian's deaths, for when people cause him an issues, he kills them.

So, to avoid all that, Illumi weaves through sharp tree branches, making sure neither you or him get cut. At one point, he has to dart right to prevent a branch from brushing the back of your head and cuts his arm quite deeply in the process.

He is fretting over what he will do when you awaken. Will I have to explain my feelings? Am I capable of talking about feelings? I have hardly felt anything aside from anger and bloodlust throughout my entire life.

Illumi shakes the thoughts away and continues running.


Machi walks back into the Troupe's hideout, her heart racing.

She really let Illumi and that (Y/N) person go free.

When she arrives at the stoney room, everyone is still sitting silently in their places. Hisoka leans against the wall, arms crossed. Chrollo crouches near the bar that (Y/N) was tied to earlier. Shizuku and Shalnark stand together near one corner, talking quietly. Phinks is leaning against a rock, looking drowsy.

The rest of the members are out 'taking care' of an opposing gang.

"How did everything go?" Hisoka asks, scowling at Machi, eyes ablaze.

"Fine. (Y/N) is dead."

"He did it quickly," Chrollo says, referencing Illumi.

"Yes, he did." Machi places two fingers under her chin, pretending to look thoughtful under Hisoka's glare. "I thought he would have gone for a slower approach, hence his hate for (Y/N), but I think he is so used to killing quickly that the thought never crossed his mind."

Shalnark shrugs a shoulder. "Zoldyck's will be Zoldyck's."

Machi nods a bit. Chrollo is still staring at the ground.

"Were they worth killing?" he blurts, to nobody in particular. Machi and Hisoka look at him, slightly shocked. Chrollo continues, "That mind of (Y/N)'s. I could feel something in it, something gruesome and hateful."

Hisoka chuckles, attracting all of the member's eyes.

"I've known that for quite a while." He removes himself from the wall and starts walking to the door. His eyes lock with Machi's. "They were a wonderful play-toy. It's a shame to see them go."

With that, he leaves. Machi stares at the space where he used to be.

A play-toy? Is that really all (Y/N) is to him?

Machi frowns a bit.

Inwardly, she wishes she could be Hisoka's play-toy. Is she not good enough for him? The thought burns her to the core, making the muscles in her fingers twitch reflexively.

"Is something wrong?"

Shizuku's question catches Machi off guard. She blinks, then smiles a bit. "No," she replies. "I was just thinking about something. Do we have anything else to talk about, or can I leave?"

Chrollo finally glances up at her.

"You may leave," he drawls.

As Machi is leaving, she thinks,

I shouldn't have let her live.

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