5.3 - The Battle; Attack or Surrender

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Chapter 5
Part 3


Two nights have passed since you left the Zoldyck mansion.

After picking you up, Hisoka took you back to his beautiful home and made dinner for you. At first, he insisted that you sleep in his room, but you refused, saying that you preferred the guest room. Guilt would have taken over your heart if you slept with Hisoka again, even if nothing sexual happened underneath those shared sheets. You were (and still are) attatched to Illumi... in a way.

Eventually, Hisoka gave in and allowed you to take the guest room. Still, you noted how eager he was to have you in the same bed as him. It was an amazing compliment, as much as you hated to admit it.

Now, on the third morning, you wake up to beautiful silence.

Hisoka's guest bedroom is decorated gorgeously minimalist with a white, queen sized bed, very light pink drywall, and two huge windows overlooking the forest beyond the backyard. Hisoka's room has similar windows, you recall.

Last night, you left curtains pulled back, so the morning sun now floods into your room, forcing your sleepy eyes into awake mode. For a moment, you are stuck in peaceful bliss as you rub your eyes. It is that moment right after waking up when your brain hasn't yet come to its senses, so you don't remember anything that's going on. It's a very pleasant moment, considering the fact that your life is in a bit of chaos as of current.

But, all good things must come to an end. Eventually, you remember that fact (about your life being in chaos) and with it comes the feeling of lead in your veins.

Time passes, but you don't get out of bed. The sun moves and the sky clears, providing a beautiful blue ocean to brighten the guest bedroom beyond what you thought was possible.

As you're lying on your back, comfy in your blankets and soaking up the beauty of the room, your phone chimes with a text.

breakfast is ready, darling~

You smile at the little face he added at the end of the message. You can't help it; the face is adorable. Just look at it.

Illumi doesn't sign his texts like that.

Ah! You blink, having surprised yourself with such a thought. You shouldn't be surprised, though; the comparison between Hisoka and Illumi is ever present in your mind. This is just a minor comparison out of all the things you've compared. You have to stop this habit.

You stand up and look in the closet for some fresh clothes to change into. Hisoka keeps the closet in the guest bedroom stocked, possibly because he gets frequent visitors. You wouldn't know. You choose an outfit for the day out of the various choices Hisoka has laid out here, brush your teeth (Hisoka also keeps a stock of unopened toothbrushes in the guest bedroom; he's astonishingly prepared), then head downstairs.

"Good morning, beautiful," Hisoka coos once you enter the kitchen. He's holding a spatula and wearing a pink apron that reads, "Suck the chef's dick" in cursive. Something is sizzling on the stove behind him. It smells like bacon and butter.

"Morning, handsome," you answer compulsively. Then you blush, furiously, because you just complimented him. "Nice apron," you joke in a feeble effort to recover your composure.

Hisoka only chuckles, but his eyes are locked attentively on yours, as if his gentle laughter means so much more than it really does. "Have you heard from our dearest assassin yet?" he inquires.

"No." Even as you say that simple word of negative affirmation, you quickly unlock your phone and check for missed texts or calls from Illumi. Sadly (but as expected) there are none. Your phone is dryer than the Sahara. The absence of messages from Illumi makes your chest hurt. You miss him.

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