2.3 - Broken Glass in a Bed of Roses

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Part 2
Chapter 3


And, just like that, you are brimming with guilt.

How could you have done that? You even initiated it; it was you who grabbed Hisoka by the shirt collar and pulled him in for a kiss. That was the start of it all, the explosion that set off an entire mine field.

But was it really so wrong for you to have sex with him? You and Illumi are not dating, anyway, so your guilt does not stem off an actual relationship, but purely from your emotions. You care about him, a lot, which is something you did not realize until he kissed you.

You scrub your skin with more vigor, as if it will rid your body of sin through your pores.

Hisoka's shampoo, which you used to wash your hair, smells like citrus and flowers, just like his fiery red locks. His body wash on your skin feels foreign—it's like someone else's body is clinging to yours. It feels so wrong, but so right—it makes you want to giggle and cry at the same time. Will anyone be able to tell that you smell like him?

You sigh and decide not to think about the boys anymore. You have a task coming up, after all. At midnight, a person named Jikoria Wai will be at the location saved on your phone. You have to kill him, then meet the person who asked you to do so tomorrow night so they can pay you. Normally, you ask for payment before the job is done, but your brain was so caught up on Hisoka leaning on your kitchen counter that you did not even think to tell the employer that.

You turn around to wet your hair more, keeping your hands under the water's stream to gather warmth. The thoughts of work fade away, and another intrusive question enters your mind to replace them:

Why did Hisoka sleep with you?

He is always a tease with everyone who catches his romantic interest. You know this from observation, and from Illumi telling you so. He hardly sleeps with people, and when he does, he often kills them after. When he is done with his toys, everyone is done with them.

Stop thinking about Hisoka. Focus on the upcoming job.

But you can't focus, no matter how hard you try. Something is nagging at your brain, begging for acknowledgement, but you can't tell what it is.

If Hisoka slept with you after hardly any a-for-thought, and he did not kill you after, what does that mean? Is he up to something?

As of now, Hisoka is in the kitchen making himself some dinner. You give your skin and hair one last rinse before turning off the shower. The air is clouded with warm, orange-scented steam, making your nostrils burn.

You yank the shower curtain away and use a clean white towel to dry yourself off. It is then that you realize you scrubbed a patch of skin on your arm so hard, it bled.


The night air is the perfect temperature, filling you with a sensation of being weightless. But, each step is made heavier by your iron-clad thoughts.

After bidding Hisoka farewell, you head towards 204 Fex Street in search of your victim. It is 30 minutes to midnight, giving you a half an hour to scope the scene.

The unknown contact sent you a picture of your target's face and profile ten minutes ago, but the photos were taken from far away, giving them a grainy filter. You can identify some key features, though. The target is a male, with curving wrinkles around the side of his mouth and tired bags sulking under drab brown eyes. A mat of grey-streaked hair sits atop his round head, and his body is built like a box.

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