"What's his name again? I already forgot." Blue laughed a little. She thought that her father was just like her, he forgot about Bright's name because they left the neighborhood a long time ago. "Believe me Papa, I also forgot so when the teacher announced that we're going to have a new classmate I didn't react when I heard his name. Hmm, his name is Bright."

"Wow, that's a nice name.. but I think that's not his name before, I'm pretty sure he has a different name when the both of you were still children. Ask him about it, okay?" Blue furrowed her brows. What is my father saying? He's making up things again.

"I'm going to school now. I'll be dropping off at Shan's house first. Bye, Papa!" Blue bid her goodbye and went to Shan's house. They probably would go to school together. "Sawasdee kha!" Both of the girls greet each other.

"Hey, so when do you plan to talk to Bright?" Shan asked this question as soon as they saw each other. "You've been nagging me about Bright for days, Shan. Why don't you talk to her yourself if you're getting impatient, huh?" Shan rolled her eyes at Blue. She knew about Bright exactly the day that they had their club exhibit. Blue immediately went to her booth and told her everything.

Despite Shan being Blue's best friend, she didn't take sides between the two. She believed that Blue should hear Bright's side. Blue waited for years to have answers to her questions, avoiding it now when the answer is clearly right in front of her would be a stupid decision.

"I just want you to let go of the past, Blue. I know that you won't be able to let go unless you're given an explanation. You can't lie to me and don't lie to yourself either. We both know that you've been waiting for this moment." Blue's shoulders drooped and Shan gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "Don't deprive yourself of knowing the truth. You deserve it." Blue smiled at her friend. She feels grateful for having a friend like her.

The two ladies arrived at their school. Shan mentioned earlier that they have to separate because she will meet P'Rain. Blue agreed and walked to her classroom alone. It's still early in the morning, so there were only a few of them inside.

She noticed that Bright was already present, however, he was sleeping. Blue moved her chair carefully, she's wary that Bright might wake up because of the noise. Slowly, quietly, she only made a not-so-loud creak, but enough to make Bright bothered. Bright's reflexes immediately kicked in. Oh no, what to do? Blue panicked.

Not long after, Bright was back in his sleep. Blue couldn't help but to stare at his angelic face. She wasn't attracted or anything, but she wouldn't deny that Bright's visuals could hypnotize anyone. "You never learn, don't you? You're staring without my permission again." Blue almost jumped from her seat when Bright spoke suddenly. He's awake? Since when?! "My gosh, Bright! I think I'm going to have a heart attack because of you! Stop scaring me." Instead of being threatened, Bright laughed at Blue.

"It's fun to surprise you- alright, alright. I won't do it again, I promise." Blue gave him a death glare which made him stop from making fun of her. "Are you still mad at me?" Bright's question made Blue fell silent. It's true that she's still mad, but anger wouldn't lead her anywhere. "Yeah, 8 years was torture for me, but I realized that being mad at you has no point now. I don't want myself to be deprived of the truth. I've waited so long for this moment, I'm sure you feel the same." Blue wasn't so sure of what she's saying, she trusted her own words that they would not betray her, but nervousness couldn't be controlled. She kept on shaking and she felt cold sweats dripping on her skin.

Bright looked at her and traced her face down to her hands with his eyes. Without hesitation, he gently touched her hand and wrapped it around his. She tried to let go but she realized that with Bright's warmth, she felt calmness. "8 years ago, my parents got into a fight. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, my brother and I were fully aware that time. They were loud, their shouts kept ringing in our ears. I was only an elementary student, I shouldn't have understood everything that happened, but I did." Bright couldn't look into Blue's eyes, he stared at her hands instead.

Blue Skies | Bright VachirawitWhere stories live. Discover now