Party Friend - Sam Wilson

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. You must've been a handful," Steve teased you. You swatted his arm as you giggled.

"Probably." He smiled before he looked over your shoulder and waving someone over. You raised your eyebrow, making a who-is-it look. He only smiled at you as someone's voice boomed next to you.

"What's up, Capsicle!" The voice belonged to a dark-skinned man who hugged Steve. You watched the interaction. The man turned around and looked at you. "And you, beautiful lady, are?" You smiled and gave your name, leaving out Stark. He grinned at you and said, "My name's Samuel, but you can call me Sam." You nodded and extended your hand for him to shake. He took it with a grin.

"Rogers! You want a drink?" Natasha's voice rang over the crowd and Steve turned to look at her. Instead of shouting, Steve nodded and made his way through the crowd, leaving you and Sam to talk. You giggled when you saw Tony getting dragged away from a conversation by Pepper. Sam raised an eyebrow at you.

"What?" You asked with a smile. He shook his head, looking around.

"Wanna get outta here?" He nodded to the door. You looked around and noticed Pepper smiling at you. She gestured to her side where a drunk Tony was clinging on. You smiled back at her. You faced Sam and nodded.

"Sure," you said, shouting a bit over the loud music. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you through the crowd. He opened the door pulling you out with him. The cold breeze hit you, making you shiver. Sam noticed and threw his black leather jacket over you. You smiled and muttered a small 'thank you'. The two of you walked in awkward silence for a while. 

"Did you forget your line?" You said, looking at him. He looked at you and shook his head with a grin.

"I think so," Sam started, "looking at you seems to be doing that to me." You giggled as a blush crept onto your face.

"Shut up," you muttered.

He laughed and said, "Did I make the beautiful lady blush?" You felt your cheeks and ears heat as you blushed furiously. He laughed when you faced him. You pouted and he put his hands up in surrender. "I'll stop if you want me to." You shook your head.

"No, it's fine. I find it quite amusing," you told him, your British accent coming into his hearing. His eyes lingered on you before he nodded.

"Not from around here, are you?" You squeezed your eyes shut and then opened them to look up at him. You really didn't want him to know that you weren't from around because you didn't like to be in the spotlight. You nodded, answering his question. He nodded looking up as thunder rumbled and light rain started to come down.

"Can you run in heels?" You nodded, remembering all the times Natasha trained you when you were here for the holidays.

He grabbed your hand and started to run down the street. He looked back to see your face in a grin. He stopped at an apartment building as the rain poured down. He dragged you in and stopped in the lobby to greet the old lady at the desk. You watched as he socialised with her---more like flirt. A few minutes later, he bid his goodnight and held his hand out for you. You raised your eyebrow and he chuckled.

"You aren't fucking getting anywhere in that rain and I have a guest room open." The crackle of thunder proved him right. Sam grinned as you took his hand. He led you to the elevator where he pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. The elevator doors swung open and you two shuffled in. He pressed his floor button and watched the doors close. You looked down and noticed that he was still holding your hand. You blushed and kept looking down.

"Boom," he said as he turned on the light. The apartment wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. You did notice that it was more neat and tidy than your dorm back in England.

"I'm hungry," you announced and, if it were to prove your point, your stomach grumbled. Sam smiled and walked into the kitchen---still holding your hand.

"What do you want?" Sam asked, looking at you with a smirk.

You shrugged and answered, "Surprise me." He raised his eyebrows and let go of your hand to start working. He gestured to the island seat and you sat down, watching as he moved around the kitchen making whatever.

A few minutes later, he put a plate of [F/F] in front of you. He leaned on the island, crossing his arms. Your eyes lit up at the plate in front of you and you smiled at him.

"Thank you!" You said before taking a bite out of [F/F]. Sam chuckled and shrugged.

"Always happy to help."

A few hours later, at around 12 am, the rain was still pouring down, thundering and lightning. You and Sam were on his sofa chatting away. You were doubled up in laughter after Sam told you about Steve trying to make a move on some girl named Iris but ended up embarrassing himself by not noticing the ring on her finger. You straightened up with tears in your eyes as Sam watched you.

"What?" You asked when he kept looking at you. He shook his head, looking down and then back at you.

"You're a Stark," he deadpanned. You froze up for a second before he grinned. You felt yourself relax.

"You're not mad?" You asked hesitantly. He shook his head.

"Honestly speaking, I couldn't even tell until you talked about Steve meeting you in London." Sam stopped for a second and furrowed his eyebrows. "Tony told us that Steve met you. His sister." Sam's eyes widened. "Shit. He's not gonna kill me, is he?" You shook your head, laughing at his fear.

"No, he isn't," you said between laughs. Sam visibly relaxed and you leaned over. "Steve isn't going to." You laughed as he looked at you in shock. Sam's eyes watched you before he lunged towards you, tickling your sides. He started tickling you until you couldn't breathe.

"I was---fuck---kidding!" You shouted. He stopped and you noticed how close his face was to yours. Your eyes flickered to his lips as he mimicked your actions. You took a deep breath and took your chance, leaning closer to him. He took the hint and leaned in as well.

Your lips met in the middle and moved in perfect sync. The slow, passionate kiss became more heated and aggressive. You felt his hesitation to go further and you let your head fall back, breaking the kiss. He looked at you with dilated pupils and you were sure yours were too. Lust was running through his eyes.

You snaked your arms around his neck and brought him closer to you. You kissed him softly. You pulled away and pecked his lips. Once. Twice. He raised an eyebrow, suggestively, and you nodded. He picked you picked gently and brought you to his room.

**Time Skip ~brought to you by 'on your left'~**

You woke up to a delicious smell. This made you get up, grab Sam's button-up shirt, and check out what was causing the amazing smell. You looked at Sam, who smiled at you, waking to the table with two plates.

"Breakfast," he said, nodding to you. "You look great by the way." You blushed as you looked down, noticing his shirt was the only thing covering you.

"I always do."

"Yes, you do."

Thanking Tony for forcing you to attend his party, you spent the day with Sam. The same Sam you dated for three years, got engaged to and married for the rest of your lives. Needless to say, you never regretted going to Tony's noisy party.

So I didn't want it to be this long, but it ended up with a little over 2000 words and I think it turned out nice. I literally had no clue what to do for the ending, which is why it's really crappy.

Until next time!

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