Let's hang!

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Michael's POV

I had enjoyed my conversation with Y/N and I really wanted to spend more time with her.I wonder if she knows her way around town.Maybe I can show her around on the weekend. She was my only friend really.The least I could do was treat her well!

It feels like nothing can ruin this day for me.I got my first friend and she was very beautiful.I couldn't wait to spend more time with her.The end of the day finally comes and I approached Y/N's locker."Hey Y/N","Michael,Hey".

"I was wondering can we hang out this weekend","I can show you around town"."Oh cool I would love that",she replied,My face lit up I couldn't wait to show her around!I ran home to start making plans.I greeted my mother,"Well your mighty happy Michael is there someone or something I should know about"."Well I got a friend at school today and she is going to let me show her around town".

"And I have to start making plans",I chuckle and ran off like the childish teen I am.I got a piece of paper and jotted down some ideas.I really can't wait to show her around.I was happy until he showed up."What you doing boy","Nothing father",he walked up to me and snatched my list out of my hands."What the hell is this".

I got up from my bed and tried to take the list back.Getting annoyed he pushed me and I hit my back on my desk it was really painful.I sit there curl in a ball groaning in pain."Boy you trying to take a girl out boy you got a face only a mother could love."She'll leave you within seconds",I let tears flow down my face what if he's right what if I'm not good enough.

Joseph exits the room laughing as he balls up the paper and throws it in the garbage.I watched not even trying to stop him I didn't have the energy I just put my head back down and sobbed on the floor.I stayed on the floor for hours and hours with Joseph's words on replay in my mind. What if I'm not good enough,what if she thinks im ugly.I was really starting to have second thoughts about meeting up with Y/N.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know what you thing about this chapter next update coming shortly!Luv you guys and happy Thanksgiving!❤❤🥰😌😉

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