A Little Gift From Me To You

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You got up with a big smile on your face you couldn't wait to give Michael his jacket back!You got ready and put on your favorite clothes on.

You got up with a big smile on your face you couldn't wait to give Michael his jacket back!You got ready and put on your favorite clothes on

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You went to the kitchen and got the box and ate breakfast.You happily got on the bus and decided to talk to your friends in Colorado but you didn't tell them what was going on.You chatted until you got off the bus.

You enter the school hallway with the box in your hand.You felt eyes fall upon you ,you instantly felt
nervous but you brushed it off.You walked straight up to Michael's locker which was only two lockers away from yours.You were excited you could hardly contain yourself.Michael finally walked in.

Michael's POV

I walked in expecting the usually bully routine.I've been bullied so many times by them I'm numb.I walked up to my locker,and was shocked to find a box.It was even one of my favorite colors.Could this be a set up?

I looked around everyone seem to be minding there own business.I meet eyes with Y/N and she smiled at me and look back down at her book.Could this been a set up?
Should I open this?I decided to man up and open it.

I took off the ribbon and opened the box.It was my jacket oh goodness.I had smile so big you could see it from space.It smell so good like lavender and it was sewed up very nicely as if it wasn't ripped in the first place.I put the jacket on and it fit perfectly.

I was so grateful but there was one question left who could've done this.
I looked down to think and found a note it had fell on the ground.

Michael I'm sorry, very sorry that your jacket got ripped so I decided to stitch it up for you.I hope you like it I stuck myself many times guess that's what I get for treating a angel wrong.Karma is a bitch isn't she?You're probably wondering who I am don't worry you'll find out at lunch.

Mmmm who could this be it sounds like one for my bullies let me think.Well it can't Johnny because he'll never stop bullying me.It can't be Carla because she is a suck up to Johnny.Y/N It's possible she was smiling at me today her little cute smile.I giggled at myself.

So I continued on with my day like any other day and waited until lunch to find out who was this mysterious  person was.I was also looking out for Johnny and Carla but looks like today is my off day they're not here.It was finally time for lunch I was really excited to find out who it was.I didn't even get in the lunch line I never eat that slop they serve in the cafeteria.I kept my head down I was a little embarrassed because I sat in the middle of the cafeteria all alone.

Until all that was put on pause a girl walked over,it was none other than Y/N.She looked amazingly beautiful her hips were perfectly rounded,her stomach was perfectly curvy this was one curvy girl,her lips were pump and looked sweet and her thighs were pump,and her face fitted her hair perfectly and boobs ugh.....don't get me started.What the hell Michael snap out of it you just met this girl a few day ago keep it cool Michael.


"H-hi",he let a cute "hi" greeting me,I replied,"Hi Michael".You said as you sat next to him.Michael broke the awkwardly silence,"Thanks for fixing my jacket","Oh your welcome no problem".You look into Michael's big brown orbs he looks amazing how could anyone bully this cutie!We got closer the more we talk I was really looking forward to being his friend!

Hope you enjoyed this next update coming soon!I promise this time.

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