A Night To Remember

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I was in my room when I got a call from Kiyah."Hello is this Michael","Yes this is he","Well I saw where you filled out a job application and you're hired."R-really",I reply with excitement,"Thank you so much Kiyah","You are very welcome just come in next Saturday","Will do",I hang up the phone.I danced around the room filled with excitement."I can't believe I got a job now I can provide for mother",I smile to myself at the thought.

I decided to call Y/N to tell her the good news."Hello Y/N","Hello Michael",She answers warmly."How are you today mi lovely lady",She giggles at my silliness," Good my good sir",I giggle at her."Y/N guess what","What is it Michael",She answers me warmly,"I got job","That's great Michael I'm so happy for you","Thanks girl".

"Want to go get some ice cream to celebrate","Sure I'll meet you there","Ok".I get  filled with even more happiness I got a job and I get to have ice cream with Y/N,"Woohoo",(Cough Reference to an MJ interview cough).I get dress and I grab my wallet and head to the ice cream shop.There is Y/N standing waiting for me I walk up to her and I hug her."Hey Michael","Hey Y/N good to see you again.

She warmly smiles at me,"Come on lets go",We enter the ice cream shop.She orders her ice cream I order mine.After a few minutes our ice cream is ready.I went to go reach for my wallet and pull out the payment.Y/N interrupted me my popping me on the hand.

"Ouch",I exclaimed,She then pulls out the money to pay for it.We then walk out of the shop,"I'll pay you back ASAP","Oh shut up",Y/N states playfully I giggles at her sass.We walk down the sidewalk it was a magical moment the street was lit up by neon lights it was full moon it was beautiful.The moonlight cause Y/N's big beautiful eyes to glimmer.We stop at a gazebo the was over a lake and the night was lit up by fireflies.

It was so beautiful but not beautiful as Y/N the wind cause her hair to lightly flow.She was looking at the moon her eyes were lit up like a thunder bolt dancing across the dark sky.I walk next to her and we began to talk."So Y/N tell me about your dad",(😀....He is a no good shit face who walk out on me when I was four years old right after my uncle passed)."Oh he was amazing he was loving,caring,and never let me down",I watched and listened to her gossip about her dad.

"Wow I wish was amazing as your dad","What do you mean Michael you are amazing how come you don't see that","I-i don't know I guess it's because I've been told I was nothing by my father half of my life but it isn't his fault...It's mine I'm the reason why I'm worthless"."Michael you're not worthless you are a beautiful person you have an amazing spark in you and some people are just too blind to see it"."W-wow I-...Thanks Y/N","No need to thank me for telling the truth",I grab her hands and we lock eyes,she was so beautiful her hair lightly flowing,Her eyes shining in the moonlight,Her facial features lit up by the moon.Fireflies are surrounding us I slowly lean in for a kiss but is interrupted,"Well well well look who it is",A familiar voice speaks out it's Johnny and Carla,Y/N rolls her eyes and ,"What do you guys want you fucking stalkers","Aww look at the two idiots about to kiss","Y/N your even more of and idiot you want to kiss an ugly ass loser like that".I felt overwalmed and zone out of the whole situation.That is until Clara pushes me in the water and holds my head underwater.

At this point I didn't care I can't keep living like this,I can hear Y/N screaming Johnny must be holding her down.I snap out of it and grabs Carla's hand and pulls her into the water.I come up and get back on the gazebo."Ugh you stupid bitch",Clara says.Y/N spits in her face,I gasp and then I laugh.

Y/N grabs my hand and runs while laughing.We stop at tree and we climb it like two children.We giggled at each other and then we locked eyes once more I grab both of her hands.I slowly lean in and finally our lips connected.I'm melting as I feel Y/N's soft lips on mine.

After a few minutes we get down off the tree and I her walk home.Before she enter her house she hugs me and whispers,"Thank you for everything",I respond,"No thank you for making me  the happiest teenage boy on earth".She giggles and kisses me on the cheek.I blush and turn to leave and I walk home.I check on my mother when I enter the house she is asleep I make sure not to make any noise and I gently kiss her on the forehead.

I head to my room and I take a shower and all the while I was think of her...Y/N.I smiled at the thought of her she makes me want to love myself.One day I want to make her my queen.I stare out the window fantasizing..."Y/N...my queen.After a few minutes I got in the bed and drifted off to sleep.


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