Kiyah's House

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Michael's POV


  We walked for atleast 10 minutes.Finally we arrived at this small suburban home.Kiyah digs in her pockets to fetch her keys.After a few short moments she pulls out her keys and unlocks the door I'm  greeted by a vanilla scent."You can put your coat on that rack right behind you",I do as I'm told.

   "I'm going to go get the bandages you have seat anywhere you'd like".I sat down on the couch placed behind me.As I'm waiting for Kiyah's return I look around at the pictures she has placed around the living area.I see across from me a picture of her as a little girl.She had long beautiful hair,Her cheeks were chubby and rosy,and her skin was glowing.

  "That's me when I was 4",I turn around to Kiyah who has returned with the bandages."Yeah I know I appeared behind you like people do in movies",She chuckled lightly.I smile  lightly her smile fades away mines followed,"I rather not talk about those days"."How come",She glances down,"I just can't"."Here's the bandages",She starts cleaning up my injuries.

As for me I continue wonder what she  was referring to when she said ,"Those days".I continued to look at the pictures around me I the pictures place on the wall.I saw her and her family."Kiyah where's your family",asked curiously,"She speaks as  she puts the bandage on my wounds.
"Gone",I look at hoping that she would say more but no that was all.

  I didn't ask anymore questions because I didn't want to upset her or anything."Hungry"she questions me."I could eat",I answer nervously she smiles and goes to the kitchen.She cooks chicken tacos with nacos as a side and chocolate cake as dessert.Kiyah was a really good cook I finished that plate rapidly."Thanks Kiyah this was really good","No problem.

I noticed that it was getting late and asked for a ride home.Kiyah being the kind person she made sure I got home safely."Goodnight Michael","Goodnight Kiyah".I watch as she drove off.My mind still ponder about what she was referring to it clouded my mind for the rest of the night.

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