I Got Your Back

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Michael's POV

I had just got off my shift.Kiyah and I were closing down.Kiyah smiles and high-fives me,"Good job working the cash register today kid",I return her smile.I bit my lip I honestly wanted to ask Kiyah something.I opened my mouth to say something however I was interrupted,"Well well well",I look up to see Johnny and Carla."Oh Michael are they your friends",Kiyah questioned innocent unknowingly.

Johnny walked up to me he put his hand on my shoulder it was a tight and painful grip."Yea were friends alright",suddenly a punch was deliver to my face.I would cried out in pain but I'm way to use to it by now."Hey!",Kiyah cries out,Johnny walks over to her,"Hey baby you don't want to be stuck with this loser",He even had the nerve to wrap his
arms around her waist.Kiyah gritted her teeth together,"I'm not your baby".

She reaches for the baseball bat in her bookbag.She hits Johnny so hard that his eyes looked as if they going different directions."You bitch!"cries out Carla landing a punch across Kiyah this made Kiyah's nose bleed.That was the last straw for I couldn't sit around and just watch this anymore.I balled up my fist but I was stopped in my tracks.

My mother always taught me not to hit girls.However what if I'm defending someone.Before I could even snap out my thoughts another fist went flying.This time Kiyah's fist she hit Carla so hard that her makeup ended up on Kiyah's knuckles.

She looks at me and starts laugh.I didn't laugh at first but I slowly start to join in."Come on kid let's go get you cleaned up at my house.We walk to Kiyah's house giggling away.


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