29 🌻

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"You can drive?!" I asked in amazement as Chan opened the door to a pickup truck for me. Chan nodded proudly, waving to the inside. "Get in, I'll show you just how well I can drive!" I got in, Chan soon closing the door and getting in behind the wheel. "You know, I've always wanted to go on a drive date" I told him as he started driving. I could feel his sweet gaze upon me, showing he was genuinely interested, making me continue. "Just going somewhere without even thinking, no duties, nothing in mind. Just driving, finding out where the road leads you and simply enjoying each other's company."

I could feel Chan's hand intertwine with mine, moving it to the gear shifter as he kept the other one on the wheel. "I like that idea" he said, going on the highway. Hours felt like minutes. We sang our heart out to our favorite songs, picked up lunch on the way and laughed so much our throats started to hurt. Whatever worries I had from before completely disappeared now. All my worries were gone. All but one.

Evening dawned upon us as we finally got back in town. "This might have just been one of the best days I've ever had" I said happily as I stretched out. "Wanna stretch our legs a bit and take a little walk?" Chan suggested. I instantly agreed, already getting out. "Yes please, it feels like they're going numb!" He got out as I was still taking off the seatbelt, opening my door before I could. "Why thank you very much sir" I giggled, getting out, making Chan chuckle. "Now that's a nickname I could get used to."

Chan looked down at my hand, a small smile. "Looks like it doesn't hurt too much anymore right?" I nodded, even surprised myself. I even completely forgot about it. I stretched it out a couple of times, proudly showing him. "It looks all fine again! Still stings a little but it's really nothing." Chan smiles, pulling my closer to him by the waist as we continue walking.

"Chan, look!" I said as we came across a large bridge. I quickly walked up to it, standing on the lower railing, watching as a boat passed by from underneath us, the lights illuminating the dark sky and waves in the water. Chan stood behind me, putting his arms on each side of me, hands holding onto the railing as he looked at the view. Just a different view than I had.

I turned around with a bright smile, eager to share my thoughts on how pretty it was, only to fall silent as I saw how close he was. My eyes met his, a nervous smile on his face. For a second he closed his eyes, leaning in to peck my lips, leaving me completely frozen in my spot for in realization of what was happening. He quickly backed away again, trying to read my expression.

My eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. They looked so soft... If only I moved in a little closer... So I did. I tiptoed, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him. Almost instantly he kissed back, his arms traveling from my waist down to my legs, pulling them up as I wrapped them around his waist. A heavy rain fell upon us, but we didn't care at the moment. It was just me and him, and the whole world spinning around us.

Well, until reality and embarrassment kicked in. I pulled away again, a shy smile on my face. I kissed him. He kissed me. We kissed! Chan carefully put me back on the ground, looking at me with eyes more sparlky than I had ever seen. "God Y/N, I love you so much" he said with a chuckle. "Aaahh you have no idea for how long I wanted to do that" he exclaimed, seeming to grow shy as well, covering his face with his hands to hide his blush. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist, laying my head in his chest. "Chan, I think I might just love you too" I answered.

For once, Felix wasn't on my mind anymore. Maybe the only time he should have been. If only he was, maybe things wouldn't have gone so wrong that night.


"You came!" Seo-Yeon exclaimed happily as Felix entered backstage, just before the concert was about to start. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pecking his lips happily, leaving Felix with a small smile, not kissing back however. Yesterday, when he told Chan about giving up on Y/N, he went to Seo-Yeon. He told her about his feelings for Y/N, about how he decided to give up on her because of Chan, but most importantly, he told Seo-Yeon that he didn't think he could love her the way he used to anymore.

That was when Seo-Yeon broke down. She told him that after seeing him again and spending time with him again, she fell for him once more. She pleaded him to give her another chance with tears in her eyes, claiming she'd make him forget all about Y/N. He would have said no, he should have said no, but he couldn't. Maybe it was because he was heartbroken, because he wanted to forget all about Y/N or simply because he had always been bad at resisting Seo-Yeon's pleading eyes. Whatever reason it was, he gave in, saying he'd give her a shot.

Not that it felt right though. He knew that all too well, that he should break it off while he still could, but she did help him forget about Y/N, even if it was just a little bit. She just seemed to know how to capture his mind like she always did. She made him forget that he was still madly in love with someone else.

Seo-Yeon backed away slightly with an innocent yet nervous smile. She stared at Felix just a little longer than usual, taking a deep breath.

"Felix, why don't you go back with me and make it official?"

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat