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"Lix, wait for me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, running through the field of sunflowers that were all taller than me, making me lose sight of Felix who ran way faster than I did. After minutes of running, I stopped, panicking, desperately looking around me. "Lix?" I called out once more. "Lix, where are you?" I cried out of fear. The sky was turning orange as the sun went down, but all I could see was the endless sunflowers with no way out. I fell on my knees, my hands covering my watery eyes. "Lix" I said softly as the tears started flowing down.

In a moment, a hand took mine and lifted me up. I could see Felix, he was clearly worried when he saw my tears, but couldn't stop smiling. He moved both of his hands to my cheeks as he wiped away my tears, still keeping his smile. "I finally found you" was all he said before engulfing me in a tight hug. It felt like the world was spinning around us, as if he was the only thing on earth that mattered at that moment. The orange sunlight shined bright on his blonde hair, making it look like pure gold. I rested my head on his shoulder as my smile grew wider. "I promise I will always find you Y/N."

"As a seven year old, that seemed like the best thing in the world. Hearing that your best friend would always be with you, not to mention that I had a life long crush on him. At that day I realized it. That I loved him. Well, as far as a seven year old's love can go. I still remember going home that night, hand in hand, I tried so desperately to hide my smile."

I stopped for a minute, but Krissel immediately replied. "What happened next? You have to tell me!" I laughed softly as I repositioned myself on the bed. "Are you sure? It's really not all that interesting!" Krissel gave me an 'are-you-an-idiot' look. "It is! Everyone's first love story is, except for mine. But anyways continue!" She said as she hit my arms playfully. "Okay okay!"

"Well, that night it really took a while before I could actually fall asleep, his smile was imprinted in my head. I kept in smiling and squealing, it's actually somewhat cute, looking back. I mean, what did you expect, it was already 11 years ago!" I laughed, but didn't even get the time or Krissel was already poking my leg. "Just tell me more!" I let out a short sigh Before continuing.

"The next morning might have been one of my most awful mornings ever. I went to Felix's house as soon as I could, but the place was totally empty... I cried for like an hour until my mom picked me up and told me he moved. I've never seen or heard from him ever again, it's rather a tragedy than a first love."

Krissel shook her head slowly with a smirk on her face. "No no no young lady, you heard the guy right? He promised you he'd always find you, he'll definitely be back!" "After 11 years? I highly doubt that" I said as I let out a sigh. "Do you have any idea where he went? Maybe he has social media! Let me try to find him!" I shook my head. "Don't worry, you won't find him, he never liked social media." Krissel let out a disappointed sigh.

"Tell me about your story, I'm curious!" I said to lift the mood a little. "Well, it was when I was 9. We had a knew kid in class, Jeongin. He was literally an angel! He was quite shy at first, but we became friends real quick!" She smiled while thinking about it, but soon her smile turned into a sadned expression. "When we went to middle school we grew apart and didn't talk much anymore, so I guess my first love was a tragedy as well."

I pulled her into a short hug. "Have you ever thought about visiting him? Maybe he still wants to talk!" Krissel looked down. "I don't know, what if he doesn't? Besides, he lives in Korea remember. I won't be going back for another month or two." I flicked her forehead. "That means you'll still be exactly where you are now, so text him!" She looked up at me and smiled. "I will!"

Hey Jeongin, it's me, Krissel. Do you still remember me? I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee with me sometime

"Aaand sent!" She said as she pressed the button. It felt like she checked her phone every second, making me chuckle. "What?" she asked while pouting. "It's nothing" I replied laughingly. "Let's just go downstairs! It's already getting late, you should probably go home too." She checked the time on her phone and let out a sigh. "You're right, if I don't leave now my parents will kill me!"

We walked downstairs and saw my parents already with their jackets on. "You're going out for dinner again?" I asked with a smile on my face. "You know the drill" dad said as he gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head. "We'll be back around midnight, so don't wait for us!" I nodded. "Bye Mom, bye dad!"

I turned to Krissel who now already had her jacket on. "You too, bye Kriss!" I said as I gave her the biggest hug. "Tell me if he replies!" She nodded. "I will, bye Y/N!" She quickly ran out, hoping she'd still be home in time. I closed the door and was about to go upstairs again until I heard the doorbell.

"Kriss, did you forget somethi-" I said as I opened the door, but was immediately speechless when I saw who was in front of me. Sure, he'd grown taller, definitely more handsome, but I'd recognize that smile out of thousands! I jumped in his arms, something I always did when I saw him. "Lix, you're back!" He smiled as he put my down again. "I promised I'd come find you right?"

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Where stories live. Discover now